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# request Close (and go right)
If you would like to make an option to close to right like The tab closes and i go to the tab right of the tab that closed. Thank you for a nice add-on. Like it very much. A suitable shortkey could be "c"
Um, up to now Vimium doesn't control where to go after closing a tab.
But on Chrome and Firefox, the default behavior is just to go to a right tab, so if you find your browser goes to a left one, then maybe it have provided some options to control this behavior.
Or you may try my Vimium C,, and it supports:
# `goto` can be ""/right/left/previous
map c removeTab goto="right"
Right, gdh1995 that is a good idea for vimium to also implement. I do not like to switch from vimium just because of your Chinese die hard loyalty to China's stance on Taiwan. That level of loyalty to a big state is scary for me and I would have hard to trust that an update would not come with a keylogger. I am sad that it is so, but it is a fact. There is an underlying thrust issue with one party states and non democratic world orders. If it would not be for that I would absolutely use vimium-c as it, as you say seam to be more optimized and have more functions I would be happy to use. Now I am just left with the hope that philc will take a good look at your work and implement some of the good things you have done. But this is not personal at all and I do feel warmth and thankfulness towards you for your good work anyhow and wish you and your country all the best in a socialist manner.
come an please just add this feature.