Mark Fortner
Mark Fortner
@anandanand84 I'm currently using paper-dialog v 2.1.1 so I should be good.
Since virtually every application has a user profile, wouldn't it make sense for a developer to be able to configure the database to point to a user profile? Imagine if...
To be frank, it would be more valuable if the Polymerfire components did more than simply wrap the existing javascript library. There's not much value there. What would be of...
The other thing you might consider is breaking out the components into smaller projects (like PolymerElements). It would make it easier to decouple visual from non-visual components and allow their...
It would also be great if we could see better support for web applications in the Firebase console. Virtually every one of the Analytics components works only with ios/Android. And...
My guess is that in Polymer 3 you would use the Polymer JS library instead of the PolymerFire elements. I suspect that they may have some announcements later in the...
There's an unofficial Polymer3 port of polymerfire here: Has anyone tried it out? No support for firestore yet.
@gdevacc12, @tjmonsi and I were discussing this on Slack. The @iceflow polymerfire3 conversion would be a useful starting point, but @tjmonsi apparently has a polymerfire3 implementation that also includes support...
I'm curious what this might look like. Suppose you could simply modify the firebase-app tag to point to your firestore database. The firebase-query and firebase-document elements would still work. If...
Here's the problem. If anyone has an existing project, they're going to have to touch every query and document element to get this to work. There's nothing that says that...