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olaFlow CFD Suite is a free and open source project committed to bringing the latest advances for the simulation of wave dynamics to the OpenFOAM® and FOAM-extend communities.
olaFlow (formerly known as olaFoam) is a numerical model conceived as a continuation of the work in IHFOAM. Its development has been continuous from ihFoam (Jul 8, 2014 - Feb 11, 2016) and olaFoam (Mar 2, 2016 - Nov 25, 2017).
This free and open source project is committed to bringing the latest advances in the simulation of wave dynamics to the OpenFOAM® and FOAM-extend communities.
olaFlow includes a set of utilities, solvers and boundary conditions to generate and absorb water waves actively at the boundaries and to simulate their interaction with porous, floating or static structures in the coastal or offshore environments.
You can find all the information regarding the model at its web site and wiki:
- https://olaflow.github.io
- https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib/olaFlow
olaFlow now has a DOI that can be included in citations:
If you want to reference the model in your publications you can use the following phrase:
olaFlow [DOI] is an open source project developed within the OpenFOAM® framework as a continuation of the work in Higuera et al. (xxxx) for simulating wave and porous structure interactions in the coastal and offshore fields.
Feel free to modify the phrase and adapt it for your own needs.
You can also include any of the following references when citing the implementation, validation and applications.
Download and compilation
Basic download guide
To get a copy of olaFlow source and reference materials, run in a terminal:
git clone git://github.com/phicau/olaFlow.git
Code updates can be downloaded in the future from the olaFlow folder as follows:
git checkout
git pull
If updating fails, try downloading the code again.
Basic compilation guide
Compilation is straightforward, simply run the following script from the olaFlow base folder:
Developer branch
OlaFlow now includes a Developer branch in which the new features are released in advance, before being integrated in the main release branch. To download the new code perform a code update as usual and change to the new branch:
git checkout Dev
Finally, compile the code normally.
Reference materials and tutorials
Reference materials and test cases are included in the olaFlow download. Check the reference and the tutorials folders. For a full description on these materials see:
- https://olaflow.github.io/numerical-model/model-tutorials/
- https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib/olaFlow#olaFlow_Documentation_and_Tutorials
Note that the Dev branch of olaFlow includes additional materials and tutorials.
This repository only includes the tutorials for the most recent versions of OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM+. The historic record of tutorials released along with olaFlow for the major past versions and FOAM-extend have been moved into their own repository, which you can find in: https://github.com/phicau/olaFlow_oldVersionTutorials
Supplementary materials such as a solver coupled with isoAdvector, turbulence models especially modified for wave simulations and additional tutorial cases can be found in: https://github.com/phicau/olaFlow_supplementary
OPENFOAM® is a registered trade mark of OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software via www.openfoam.com.