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Update protoc generation pipeline
I write this with a heavy heart knowing that this change will (most likely) be massive. Currently we are generating the protocol buffers with the maven plugin: protobuf-maven-plugin.
It appears that this plugin is no longer an active repository (~2 years). While I can appreciate the simplicity to use this type of generation it might be in our best interest to move away from this.
I propose that we configure our own pipelines for generating the different language artifacts and publishing them to the respective language repositories to support each language that protoc supports.
I am happy to take on this work but the progress will be slow.
But the plugin appears to be working? Is something broken? The maven code basically just needs to call the google library so maybe there is not much need to update the maven plugin?
What if we want to expand this to other languages? I have 2 such requests already (typescript, rust). Do we fork and extend the library or do we just make this repository call these google libs directly?
Are you referring to making a new maven plugin that will call the google libs or a replacement for the google libs? Not sure I understand?
We could fork the existing protobuf-maven-plugin and add support for the 2 languages or we can implement a shell like command for maven that will call protoc to generate bindings for the languages we want to support (all that protoc support ideally).
protoc doesn't support Rust or TS (see supported languages), so replacing the maven plugin won't help us with this. protoc Rust is apparently being worked on so this will need an update to the plugin whenever that is ready. Alternatively there are about three different Rust protobuf compilers out there which could be used but would require a separate build script or cargo project.
I've made a quick Rust implementation of how this could be done - 7a7381b it's possibly not perfect, but it might be good enough?
Changes are in the rust-build branch
The basic functionality is there but there needs to be a bit more work to check it's ready for publishing on e.g.
To test this you will need to create a new project e.g. cargo new phenopackets-rs
add these dependencies to Cargo.toml
phenopacket-schema = { git = "", branch = "rust-build", version = "2.0.2" }
pbjson-types = "0.5.1"
serde_json = "1.0.96"
serde_yaml = "0.9.21"
then in
use pbjson_types::Timestamp;
use phenopacket_schema::org::phenopackets::schema::v2::core::{Individual, PhenotypicFeature, Sex, TimeElement};
use phenopacket_schema::org::phenopackets::schema::v2::core::OntologyClass;
use phenopacket_schema::org::phenopackets::schema::v2::core::time_element::Element;
use phenopacket_schema::org::phenopackets::schema::v2::Phenopacket;
fn main() {
let ontology_class = OntologyClass { id: "HP:0000001".to_string(), label: "Phenotypic abnormality".to_string() };
let mut phenotypic_feature = PhenotypicFeature::default();
phenotypic_feature.r#type = Some(ontology_class);
let mut phenotypic_features = vec!(phenotypic_feature);
let mut individual = Individual::default(); = "subject1".to_string(); = Sex::Male.into();
individual.time_at_last_encounter = Some(TimeElement { element: Some(Element::Timestamp(Timestamp { seconds: 1681483297, nanos: 0 })) });
let mut phenopacket = Phenopacket::default(); = "example1".to_string();
phenopacket.subject = Some(individual);
phenopacket.phenotypic_features.append(&mut phenotypic_features);
let j = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&phenopacket).unwrap();
println!("{}", j);
let deserde = serde_json::from_str(&j).unwrap();
assert_eq!(phenopacket, deserde);
let yaml = serde_yaml::to_string(&phenopacket).unwrap();
println!("{}", yaml);
and you should see the output:
"id": "example1",
"subject": {
"id": "subject1",
"timeAtLastEncounter": {
"timestamp": "2023-04-14T14:41:37+00:00"
"sex": "MALE"
"phenotypicFeatures": [
"type": {
"id": "HP:0000001",
"label": "Phenotypic abnormality"
id: example1
id: subject1
timestamp: 2023-04-14T14:41:37+00:00
sex: MALE
- type:
id: HP:0000001
label: Phenotypic abnormality
Will need to change README.rst into markdown for Markdown is also compatible with PyPI
@iimpulse @pnrobinson Do you have any Rustacians who might want to test this? It works on my machine (TM).
Hi @julesjacobsen, @justaddcoffee pinged me about the code snipped - what aspects do you need to test? Simply the execution?
Just tested. Looks great @julesjacobsen thanks a ton.
@LucaCappelletti94 it should work fine as I've tested that as have Mike and Justin. I was more hoping for a critical rusty eye to check on package layout and perhaps suggest how to automate the build part as that was a manual step to include the serde impl.