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TypeScript AST templating library


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TSTemplate is a port of the ESTemplate API for TypeScript! TSTemplate allows you to do template substitution with AST nodes, rather than with text, which I guess is good? Who knows!


npm install @phenomnomnominal/tstemplate --save-dev


You can substitute "homemade" AST nodes like this:

import { tstemplate } from '@phenomnomnominal/tstemplate';
import { createPrinter, Identifier, NumericLiteral, SourceFile } from 'typescript'

const result: SourceFile = tstemplate('var <%= varName %> = <%= value %> + 1;', {
    varName: { kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier, escapedText: 'myVar' } as Identifier,
    value: { kind: SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral, text: '123' } as NumericLiteral

const printer = createPrinter();
console.log(printer.printFile(result)); // var myVar = 123;

Or you can use "real" TS AST nodes from TypeScript):

import { tstemplate } from '@phenomnomnominal/tstemplate';
import { createIdentifier, createPrinter, Identifier, SourceFile } from 'typescript'

const result: SourceFile = tstemplate('function f(%= params %, callback) { }', { 
    params: [createIdentifier('a'), createIdentifier('b')]

const printer = createPrinter();
console.log(printer.printFile(result)); // function f(a, b, callback) { }

You can even use something like TSQuery to move nodes from one file to another:

import { tsquery } from '@phenomnomnominal/tsquery';
import { tstemplate } from '@phenomnomnominal/tstemplate';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { createPrinter } from 'typescript';

const ts = readFileSync('./some-typescript.ts'), 'utf-8'); // "console.log('Hello World');"
const body = tsquery(ts, 'ExpressionStatement');
const result = tstemplate('wrap(() => {%= body %});', { body });

const printer = createPrinter();
console.log(printer.printFile(result)); // wrap(() => { console.log('Hello World'); });

You can also pre-compile the template and then re-use it with different data:

import { tsquery } from '@phenomnomnominal/tsquery';
import { tstemplate } from '@phenomnomnominal/tstemplate';
import { createIdentifier, createPrinter } from 'typescript';

const template = tstemplate.compile(`
    var <%= varName %> = <%= value %> + 1;
    var exampleBoolean = <%= isTrue %>;

const result1 = template({
    varName: createIdentifier('myVar'),
    value: tsquery('123', 'NumericLiteral'),
    isTrue:  tsquery('true', 'TrueKeyword')
const result2 = template({
    varName: createIdentifier('otherVar'),
    value: tsquery('234', 'NumericLiteral'),
    isTrue: tsquery('false', 'FalseKeyword')

const printer = createPrinter();
console.log(printer.printFile(result1)); // var myVar = 123 + 1;
console.log(printer.printFile(result2)); // var otherVar = 234 + 1;

Note: For more literals, keywords expressions etc. check those typescript typings: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/src/compiler/types.ts

Templating syntax:

  • Node substitution: var x = <%= expr %> + 1;
  • Array elements: var a = [%= elements %];
  • Function parameters: function f(%= params %) {}
  • Call arguments: var x = f(%= args %);
  • Block statements: define(function () {%= body %});
  • Literals: var x = "%= 'alpha' + 'beta' %";

You can also combine list substitutions with inline elements:

  • var a = [0, %= numbers %, Infinity];
  • function f(%= params %, callback) {}
  • define(function () { console.time('Module'); %= body %; console.timeEnd('Module'); });