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Manage side-effects in your javascript application cleanly with algebraic effects
Algebraic Effects
Manage your effects in a pure and composible way using algebraic effects with multiple continuations.
To add the project to your project
yarn add @algebraic-effects/core
If you want effects like Exception, State, Random, etc.
yarn add @algebraic-effects/core @algebraic-effects/effects
Import it to your file
import { createEffect, func } from '@algebraic-effects/core';
import { sleep } from '@algebraic-effects/core/generic';
State effect counter example
import { State } from '@algebraic-effects/effects';
import { call, sleep } from '@algebraic-effects/core/generic';
const countdown = function*() {
const count = yield State.get();
if(count > 0) {
yield State.set(count - 1); // Decrement count
yield sleep(1000); // Add a delay of 1 second
yield call(countdown); // Recursively call the program again.
.fork(() => {}, () => alert('HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!'));
Creating your own effects
- Declare your effects
import { createEffect, func } from '@algebraic-effects/core';
export const ConsoleEffect = createEffect('ConsoleEffect', {
log: func(['']),
export const ApiEffect = createEffect('ApiEffect', {
fetchUser: func(['userid'], 'user'),
markUserAsViewed: func(['userid']),
function allows you to document the operation signature.
- Write your program
const fetchProfile = function*(uid) {
const user = yield ApiEffect.fetchUser(uid);
yield ConsoleEffect.log('>> Fetched user user', uid);
if(user.isPublic) {
yield ApiEffect.markUserAsViewed(;
yield ConsoleEffect.log('>> Marked', uid, 'as viewed');
return user;
return { id: uid, name:, isPrivate: true };
- Implement effect operation behavior
const logger = ConsoleEffect.handler({
log: ({ resume }) => (...args) => {
const api = ApiEffect.handler({
markUserAsViewed: ({ resume, throwError }) =>
uid => fetchJson(`/user/${uid}/mark-as-viewed`).then(resume).catch(throwError),
fetchUser: ({ promise }) => uid => promise(fetchJson(`/user/${uid}`)),
is a shorthand for doing .then(resume).catch(throwError)
- Calling your program
api.with(logger) // Compose your effect handlers together and run them
e => { /* Handle error */ },
user => { /* Handle success */ }
Multiple continuations
You can call resume multiple times from your operation synchronously.
function flipCoins() {
const isHead1 = yield Random.flipCoin(2);
const isHead2 = yield Random.flipCoin(2);
return [isHead1 ? 'H' : 'T', isHead2 ? 'H' : 'T'];
// // runMulti method will start your program in multiple continuations mode
.fork(identity, data => {
console.log(data); // Probably [[H, T], [H, T], [T, H], [T, T]]
Writing custom effect with multiple continuations
const ListEffect = createEffect('ListEffect', {
takeItem: func(['list'], '*', { isMulti: true }), // isMulti flag indicates that this operation resumes multiple times
// Program will resolve with [3, 4, 6, 7]
function *program() {
const item1 = yield ListEffect.takeItem([ 1, 4 ]);
const item2 = yield ListEffect.takeItem([ 2, 3 ]);
return item1 + item2;
const looper = ListEffect.handler({
takeItem: ({ resume }) => list => list.forEach(resume),
// runMulti method will start your program in multiple continuations mode
data => {
console.log(data); // [3, 4, 6, 7]
Code of Conduct
Contributing Guide
Algebraic effects is under MIT licensed.