jsonpath.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jsonpath.nvim copied to clipboard

A Neovim plugin to help you access JSON values, powered by treesitter

This is a Neovim-only plugin containing a function to return a path to access the value under the cursor by using treesitter. It may help you understand how to access even deeply nested values in JSON files.

A "JSON path" is a jq-like expression, such as . for root, .[0] for the first array item, .name for the property "name" of an object.


Colorscheme is vim-moonfly-colors



Using lua:

-- in after/ftplugin/json.lua

-- show json path in the winbar
if vim.fn.exists("+winbar") == 1 then
  vim.opt_local.winbar = "%{%v:lua.require'jsonpath'.get()%}"

-- send json path to clipboard
vim.keymap.set("n", "y<C-p>", function()
  vim.fn.setreg("+", require("jsonpath").get())
end, { desc = "copy json path", buffer = true })

Using vim:

" in after/ftplugin/json.vim

" show json path in the winbar
if exists('+winbar')
  setlocal winbar=%{luaeval('require\"jsonpath\".get()')}

" send json path to clipboard
nnoremap <buffer> y<C-p> :let @+=luaeval('require"jsonpath".get()')<CR>