Oleg Broytman
Oleg Broytman
Thank you for reporting! Working with Paste was added by the Paste and SQLObject original author Ian Bicking. In about 20 year that I use and maintain SO I never...
I have never installed Paste so the test was always skipped. And nobody reported any problem. Until now. So the 1st thing will be to to add Paste to the...
I installed Paste but the test failed at [`from paste.deploy.converters import asbool`](https://github.com/sqlobject/sqlobject/blob/c3933b813383cc1b269b6c2564e89e3c7aa523e9/sqlobject/wsgi_middleware.py#L7) — Paste doesn't have subpackage [`paste.deploy`](https://github.com/cdent/paste/tree/652112c1d99a47809ef0dd8ba9992179262fb3d8/paste). Do I need older version of Paste? Additional package(s)? *Upd*. Found: https://pypi.org/project/PasteDeploy/...
Commit 9f3ca7e fixes the second problem: > sqlite3.ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread. The object was created in thread id 140737345897280...
> > … backticks … > > * I do usually not use Markdown markup in commit descriptions (and subjects). Can I ask why? Simple light-weight ASCII-only markup, widely used...
> thought_balloon Would you like to choose more pleasing commit messages for your final commits? Of course. The trick is in the word "pleasing". For me "pleasing" means: - ASCII-only;...
> thought_balloon What does hinder you to accept typographic quotation characters for commit messages? - For international software developed in a English-speaking community I prefer ASCII for everything; - Personally...
> thinking > > * Does your feedback mean that you would like to reject this pull request because of your special requirements for commit messages? Well, you made me...
> > I hope you've ran the test suite > > Yes. Nice! All is left is to fix the quotes and force-push. > > and everything passed? > >...
> Do you find the proposed adjustment of the function “MaxdbConnection.sqlAddLimit()” reasonable? Thank you for asking! I didn't like it from the beginning but never though about why I don't...