[Cascader Load Options Lazily](https://ant.design/components/cascader/#components-cascader-demo-lazy) should add provided prop to allow not trigger onChange if have children leaf . Hope that gets fixed in an upcoming version :))) Please follow their...
@adriaanvanrossum Why are you make sure that probably not ?
You can try override styling for svg tag in your global file css: ``` svg { vertical-align: baseline; } ```
same issue =)) it seems this warning only show if your app bundle size large. I tried optimize my code and stop using third party library (e.g: ui components) and...
I am facing the same issue with Next.js 13 latest when redirect to another page not found in 404 route. This error still exists till now with no solution :(
it seems some components are not compatible on Windows.
> Currently you could wrap your App with ConfigProvider for correct icon style. @MadCcc currently I am wrapping my app inside ConfigProvider and facing this issue
@MadCcc of course, reproduction link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-kgqqfm?file=pages/index.js
@MadCcc please re-add Need Reproduce label