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Add a tree list for navigation to apps and envs in the sidebar #265
Changed the sidebar and team layout components.
:mag: Overview
I have created a tree list navigation for easier navigation through apps and their environments.
:bulb: Proposed Changes
•Changed the layout.tsx file inside the [team] folder, to fetch query and send props. •Changed the sidebar.tsx component for fitting the logic and links for the apps and environments.
:framed_picture: Screenshots or Demo
:memo: Release Notes
•New feature: Added a tree list navigation. •Improvement: Its dynamic and changes when apps are deleted or added. •UI: Added a scrollbar for scrolling through the sidebar.
:question: Open Questions
•I need help with the actual tree lines, mention any packages/ideas I could use to recreate it. •Provide all test cases as I may not have covered them all.
:test_tube: Testing
•I have tested all links. •I have tested light mode and dark mode UI. •I have tested adding and deleting of apps.
:dart: Reviewer Focus
•Go through layout.tsx file in [teams] folder. •Go through Sidebar.tsx in components/layout folder
:heavy_plus_sign: Additional Context
•Fixed issue: #265
:sparkles: How to Test the Changes Locally
•Pull latest code from this branch. •Ensure your local environment is up and running. •Review all test cases.
:green_heart: Did You...
- [x] Ensure linting passes (code style checks)?
- [ ] Update dependencies and lockfiles (if required)
- [ ] Regenerate graphql schema and types (if required)
- [x] Verify the app builds locally?
- [ ] Manually test the changes on different browsers/devices?