console copied to clipboard
feat: path changes visible and palette
:mag: Overview
FIXES - #304 and #194
:bulb: Proposed Changes
For #304 -
- No Extra library used
- HeadlessUI + CustomCSS
- Functionality completed as mentioned
For #194
- GraphQl changes
- UI changes
:framed_picture: Screenshots or Demo
Path Fix -
Command Palette (Slow due to 8gb ram :) )
:memo: Release Notes
New Feature -
- Comman palette
Fix -
- Path Changes now visible in History
:question: Open Questions
:test_tube: Testing
Tested everything from my side. Navigation was slow in development but was fast when cached.
:dart: Reviewer Focus
Check directly when you enter console. Press command+k or Control+k
Make changes in path through API and verify the path changes
:heavy_plus_sign: Additional Context
The video used for reference is mentioned in the issue for command palette. UI was done under guidance of @rohan-chaturvedi
:sparkles: How to Test the Changes Locally
Setup is same as (No major package changes)
:green_heart: Did You...
- [x] Ensure linting passes (code style checks)?
- [x] Update dependencies and lockfiles (if required)
- [x] Regenerate graphql schema and types (if required)
- [x] Verify the app builds locally?
- [x] Manually test the changes on different browsers/devices?