outline icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
outline copied to clipboard

Tooling infrastructure for modern web component development.

Open in Gitpod

For quick browser-based development, open this project in Gitpod. It will automatically build an environment and run Storybook.

Outline Design System

Outline is a web component based design system starter kit. Outline is based on the latest technologies and tools to help your component authoring experience and facilitate adoption in your organization.

Outline is built with the following tools:

Contributing to Outline

Information regarding how to contribute to Outline development, can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Local Setup

Outline is organized as a mono-repo and is available to use via NPM Packages and our CLI.

Install the cli:

npm install -g @phase2/outline-cli

Then run the command:

outline init project-name

Optionally use npx:

npx @phase2/outline-cli init project-name

The init command will clone Outline's starter files then run yarn install

cd project-name

Ensure you are using the correct version of npm

nvm use

If you need to update your node version, see the usage documentation for nvm.

Storybook Development

Primary component development is done and demonstrated via Storybook.

Start storybook instance.

yarn start

Production builds

Runs both tsc and yarn rollup to handle the following:

  • Packaging individual components to dist directory.
  • Packaging modern and legacy builds of all components to dist directory.
yarn build

To only run the rollup build, which handles the component bundling into modern and legacy builds:

One time build

yarn rollup

Enable in watch mode

yarn rollup.watch

Resetting local environment

The following commands help clean a local environment.

  • Cleanup generated assets: yarn clean
  • Cleanup node packages: yarn reset
  • Full cleanup & restart: yarn reboot