iceberg icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
iceberg copied to clipboard

Iceberg is the main toolset for handling VCS in Pharo.

Results 189 iceberg issues
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it should look slighlty better. and it should have recover a lot of lost functionality (like the PR tool, which I am using to do this PR)

- metacello tries first to clone using ssh and it fails - then it clones in https and configures the remote using https - and then after cloning, when loading...

We need to retry to handle this scenario. To fix:

``` IceTipDiffPanel>>#initializeDiffPanel diffPanel showOptions: true ``` ``` IceTipDiffPanel>>#selectionChanged | itemValue | itemValue := iceNodesTree selectedItem value. itemValue ifNotNil: [ diffPanel contextClass: itemValue contextClass. self diffContentsLeft: itemValue rightContents right: itemValue leftContents...

To reproduce, in P12 browse a method with associated Iceberg repository, and click on "Versions" to get the error. We must fix this method: The cause is P12's strict...

Else you have to do adopt and other crazy manipulation. ![Capture 2024-03-12 at 13 31 35](

This pull request factors out `#iconName` from `#icon` on the classes in the IceDefinition, IceOperation and IceOperationMerge hierarchies. This should make it easier to, in a later pull request, make...

This pull request refactors IceTipTreeNode to support use of a FormSet (introduced in [Pharo pull request #14998]( for the icon and applies that to `#repositoryModelsByGroup` on IceTipRepositoryModel.

As an idea: Once one has a **username** it is via HTTPS calls to REST APIs possible to **get a list of the available (public) projects** from [GitHub](https://www, and [GitLab](