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Monticello still uses the old class definition
Bug description
see MCClassDefinition >> fullDefinitionString
I'm sharing this here for reference. I started to work on this, but many MC tests began to fail once these changes were made. What is strange is that Monticello Mock classes (all classes in `MonticelloMocks) were deleted while running the Monticello tests with the following changes:
MCClassDefinition>>printDefinitionOn: stream
stream nextPutAll: (
self actualClass
ifNotNil: [ : c | (ClassDefinitionPrinter for: c) definitionString ]
ifNil: [ 'Class definition not found' ])
MCClassDefinition>>printClassDefinitionOn: stream
"Print a class-side definition of the receiver on the given stream.
Class instance variables and class traits."
stream nextPutAll: (ClassDefinitionPrinter for: self actualClass class) definitionString.
| d |
d := self mockClassA asClassDefinition.
self assert: d definitionString equals: self mockClassA definitionString.
Remove MCTraitDefinition>>printDefinitionOn: stream
Remove MCTraitDefinition>>printClassDefinitionOn: stream