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Start to rename AST classes
This is a subset of the big change I tried not long ago. Here I rename only the classes in the Nodes package tag of AST-Core. (base PR: #15643)
Script used:
oldPrefix := 'RB'.
newPrefix := 'AST'.
('AST-Core' asPackage tagNamed: 'Nodes') classes do: [ :class |
(class name beginsWith: oldPrefix) ifTrue: [
| oldName newName |
oldName := class name.
newName := (newPrefix , (oldName withoutPrefix: oldPrefix)) asSymbol.
(RBRenameClassRefactoring rename: oldName to: newName) execute.
(Smalltalk at: newName) class compile: 'initialize
self deprecatedAliases: { #' , oldName , ' }' classified: 'class initialization'
] displayingProgress: [ :c | c asString ]
@jecisc are the class deprecated? I could not see it because this is important since it will break a lot of code and this is typically a change we will have to keep around for some versions.
I’m adding deprecated aliases so yes they are deprecated! But apparently the application of the deprecation is what is failing currently so I need to investigate why
I'll close this one because the conflict is too hard to manage