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TransferMorph has dirty codes
Describe the problem
TransferMorph has dirty codes that should be removed.
Classes involved
This instance variable dropNotifyRecipient never be set. so these methods
TransferMorph >>delete
"See also >>justDroppedInto:event:."
accepted ifFalse: [
self dropNotifyRecipient ifNotNil: [ self dropNotifyRecipient dropRejectedMorph: self ]].
self changed: #deleted.
self breakDependents.
super delete
TransferMorph >> justDroppedInto: targetMorph event: anEvent
"If only world wants this TransferMorph, treat it as unaccepted (see also >>delete)."
| formerPosition |
formerPosition := self formerPosition.
super justDroppedInto: targetMorph event: anEvent.
self formerPosition: formerPosition.
accepted := targetMorph ~= self world.
self animationForMoveSuccess: accepted.
accepted ifTrue: [
self dropNotifyRecipient ifNotNil: [
self dropNotifyRecipient *dropAcceptedMorph: self from:* targetMorph ]].
self delete
Proposal Cleanup
Version information:
- Version [ Pharo8.0 - 11.0]
Expected development cost
Additional context
I check this code in pharo 6 and we can not find it