pharo-launcher icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pharo-launcher copied to clipboard

Win32 environment variables not updated

Open pavel-krivanek opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

When you start the Pharo Launcher with some current environment variables and then you change values of the variables (for all the system), the newly started images inherit the values of the variables from the launcher process so they do not have the latest content. That is different behavior from the case when you run the Pharo process directly.

Do you think we can do something with that?

pavel-krivanek avatar Sep 09 '19 07:09 pavel-krivanek

As specified in the Windows API, lpEnvironment section, the newly created process uses the environment of the calling process. Probably we could create a new environment by asking the system current environment values but it needs to be tested. Also, I wonder if it worths it. Most applications have the same behavior. For exmaple, in a terminal, you have to open a new one to get an enviroment with uptaded values.

demarey avatar Sep 09 '19 07:09 demarey