pharo-launcher icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Importing of a Pharo 7 image does not copy the sources file

Open pavel-krivanek opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments

Pharo 7 images have corresponding sources file. It is ignored during import in the Launcher so the image is not working correctly

pavel-krivanek avatar Jun 08 '18 13:06 pavel-krivanek

I also have this problem.

It occurs on Windows 7 Pro when using the latest stable Pharo 64-bit VM with the latest stable Pharo 64-bit image., though that may not be relevant.

I selected Pharo: Save As... from the pulldown menu in the top left corner of the Pharo Virtual Machine! window and saved an image to a different filename to avoid clobbering the image I was in. I then noticed the new image was not listed in the Pharo Launcher, so I chose Import from the Pharo Launcher menu by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the Pharo Launcher window. It then appeared in the launcher and I launched it. Upon doing so there is a gray tooltip-like window in the lower left that says it is trying to locate the Pharo7.0-32bit-890f474.sources file that fades away shortly after appearing.

Everything seems to work (e.g. examining the source of preexisting objects), but this message appears in the Pharo Virtual Machine! window (not the Pharo Launcher window) every time the image is loaded, even if it is re-saved. Copying the Pharo7.0-32bit-890f474.sources file from the standard image into my new image's directory silences this message.

That is not a typo BTW. I am using the 64-bit version of both the VM and image and this file says "32bit" in the name.

ghost avatar Mar 07 '19 13:03 ghost