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[Bug] Class not found in BlLayoutErrorHandler>>processError:
I'm using only the NewBloc Project. When a BlLayoutError in handled there is a problem with a "isKindOf".
aBlHandledError element withAllParentsDo: [ :aParentElement | (aParentElement isKindOf: #BlInfiniteElement asClass) ifTrue: [ aParentElement state beStepStart ] ].
BlInfiniteElement is a not existing class (and also the message beStepStart). I propose this patch (waiting for better) :
aBlHandledError element withAllParentsDo: [ :aParentElement | | class | self flag:'This class does not exits in NewBloc core, try to rewrite this code without this class method'. class := #BlInfiniteElement asClassIfAbsent: [ nil ]. (class notNil and:[aParentElement isKindOf: class]) ifTrue: [ aParentElement state beStepStart ] ].