Phani Kumar
Phani Kumar
Refer to
Refer to and build async version of these sensors
Acceptance Criteria: Find a Python library that supports Asynchronous implementation for TableauOperator if the official library does not support it.Document possible options and selection reasons for a particular library in...
Acceptance Criteria: Find a Python library that supports Asynchronous implementation for DbtCloudRunJobOperator if the official library does not support it.Document possible options and selection reasons for a particular library in...
Acceptance Criteria: Find a Python library that supports Asynchronous implementation for [SqlSensor]( if the official library does not support it.Document possible options and selection reasons for a particular library in...
Acceptance Criteria: Find a Python library that supports Asynchronous implementation for GlueJobOperator if the official library does not support it.Document possible options and selection reasons for a particular library in...
Wherever possible , make it similar to KPO Async logs, where the user gets to know the latest status of execution as the logs jump between the scheduler and the...
Since pyhive is unsupported , check whether impyla could be leveraged
Implement async versions for the following operators(Aligned on descending order of priority): - [ ] [`SparkSubmitOperator`]( - @bharanidharan14 - [ ] [`SparkSqlOperator`]( - @sunank200 - [ ] [`SparkJDBCOperator`]( - [x]...