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Simple remote connection / SFTP / SSH for Laravel 5


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Remote is a simple package that brings the ability to do remote connections back into Laravel 5. This package makes use of the awesome phpseclib behind the scene.


  • PHP >= 5.4
  • Anything required by phpseclib


First, require phanan/remote into your composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "5.1.*",
        "phanan/remote": "2.0.*"

After the package is downloaded, open config/app.php and add its service provider class:

    'providers' => [
         * Application Service Providers...


Now if you need a sample configuration file – you don’t actually, see Usage for array-based login:

php artisan vendor:publish

Look for a remote.php file under your config directory and modify it to fit your needs.


Using Remote is dead simple: Just initialize a PhanAn\Remote\Remote object, say $connection. The constructor accepts two arguments, none of which is required:

  • $env (string|array): The key of the remote connection array found in config/remote.php if a string, or the configuration array itself if an array. Defaults to an empty string, in which case the default connection will be used.
  • $auto_login (boolean): Whether or not the connection should attempt to log into the remote server upon class construction. Defaults to true.

Here's where the magic happens. Like, literally. Remote makes use of the magic function __call() to pass all unrecognized methods to the phpseclib\Net\SFTP object underneath. Which means, you can call any phpseclib\Net\SFTP method directly on a Remote object:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Exception;
use PhanAn\Remote\Remote;

class RemoteController extends Controller
    public function getConnect()
        $connection = new Remote();

        // Of course you can specify a configured environment name, like this
        // $connection = new Remote('staging');
        // Or even an array, like this
        // $connection = new Remote([
        //     'host' => '::1',
        //     'port' => 22,
        //     'username' => 'doge',
        //     'password' => 'SoIPv6MuchModern',
        // ]);

        // All methods below are from \phpseclib\Net\SFTP, not Remote itself! Magic!

        // Create a file with some dummy content
        $connection->put('doge', 'Much remote so convenience wow.');

        // Execute a command
        $dir_content = $connection->exec('ls -a');

        // Get some standard errors
        if ($error = $connection->getStdError()) {
            throw new Exception("Houston, we have a problem: $error");

Check phpseclib's official SFTP Feature List for details of what you can do.


MIT © Phan An