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pg_test fails but manual test works

Open danbluhmhansen opened this issue 8 months ago • 0 comments

Hello there, I have an sql script users.sql with a simple statement level trigger on insert:

create table users (
  "id"       uuid        not null default gen_random_uuid() primary key,
  "added"    timestamptz not null default now(),
  "updated"  timestamptz not null default now(),
  "username" text        not null,
  "salt"     text        not null,
  "passhash" text        not null,
  "email"    text        null

create table users_streams (
  "id"       uuid not null default gen_random_uuid() primary key,
  "users_id" uuid not null

create unique index on users_streams ("users_id");

create table users_events (
  "timestamp" timestamptz not null default now(),
  "stream_id" uuid        not null references users_streams ("id") on delete cascade,
  "name"      text        not null,
  "data"      jsonb       null,
  primary key ("stream_id", "timestamp")

create or replace function trg_foo () returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
  sid uuid;
  insert into users_streams (users_id) values (gen_random_uuid()) returning id into sid;
  insert into users_events (stream_id, name) values (sid, 'foo');
  return null;

create or replace trigger trg_users_foo after insert on users referencing new table as newtab execute function trg_foo('id');

and a pg_test using pgrx:

fn users_insert() -> Result<(), spi::Error> {

    let user_id = Spi::get_one::<pgrx::Uuid>(
        "insert into users (username, salt, passhash) values ('foo', '', '') returning id;",

        Spi::get_one::<i64>("select count(*) from users_streams;"),
        "users_stream should contain one row from the trigger"


running cargo test users_insert results in:

assertion `left == right` failed: users_stream should contain one row from the trigger
  left: Ok(Some(1))
 right: Ok(Some(0))

but running cargo pgrx run, applying the users.sql script psql -p 28816 -d tankard -f ./sql/users.sql and running queries by hand results in:

tankard=# insert into users (username, salt, passhash) values ('foo', '', '');
tankard=# select * from users;
                  id                  |             added             |            updated            | username | salt | passhash | email
 f8318952-e41e-4ff5-8286-c933e9798bb3 | 2024-06-20 21:44:05.697594+02 | 2024-06-20 21:44:05.697594+02 | foo      |      |          |
(1 row)

tankard=# select * from users_streams ;
                  id                  |               users_id
 c77adf01-4a2b-4688-89ec-e736e865688b | 4043dbfb-6a28-4eaa-84b7-32d555c6452c
(1 row)

tankard=# select * from users_events ;
           timestamp           |              stream_id               | name | data
 2024-06-20 21:44:05.697594+02 | c77adf01-4a2b-4688-89ec-e736e865688b | foo  |
(1 row)

any idea why the pg_test fails?

I am running pgrx version =0.12.0-alpha.1 in cargo.toml and pg16.

danbluhmhansen avatar Jun 20 '24 19:06 danbluhmhansen