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Sweelix development kit
Sweekit - aka Sweelix toolkit
The toolkit is under new BSD License except for 3rdParty elements which are under their own licenses.
3rd party tools used in the toolkit are
- http://www.shadowbox-js.com - Shadowbox, dual license http://www.shadowbox-js.com/LICENSE
- http://www.plupload.com/ - PLupload, dual license http://www.plupload.com/license.php
This toolkit was written to ease javascript access during our developments. In order to not create conflict, Sweekit classes are prefixed with Sw
A short explain is available in the doc directory.
Available features :
- javascript - see doc/sweekit.mkd and doc.javascript.mkd
- components - some usefull components
- helpers - Sweeml (extends CHtml) - see doc/sweekit.mkd
- behaviors - SwAjaxBehavior, SwClientScriptBehavior, SwRenderBehavior - see doc/behaviors.mkd
- filters - SwProtocolFilter - see doc/filters.mkd
- validators - SwFileValidator (for plupload)
- actions - SwDeleteAction, SwUploadAction (for plupload)
- commands - SwUploadCommand (to purge plupload temporary directory)
- web - SwUploadedFile (Retrieve files uploaded with plupload)
Samples - because it's always easier to understand what can be done
A sample application has been built and is available in the "samples" directory.
Quick code
Mobile notifier
The mobile notifier allow the developper to send notification to iOS and/or Android system.
Of course, you'll need account information from Google or Apple to be able to send notifications.
Adding the notifier component to the application
/* configuration array */
mobileNotification' => array(
'class' => 'ext.sweekit.actions.SwMobileNotifier',
'mode' => 'production', // can be development to use the sandbox
'apnsCertificateFile' => 'my_apple_certificate_for_push.pem',
'apnsCertificatePassphrase' => 'my_apple_certificate_passphrase', // comment out if there is no passphrase
'apnsEmbeddedCaFile'=>true, // embed entrust ca file if needed (ssl errors, ...)
'c2dmUsername' => '[email protected]',
'c2dmPassword' => 'my_gmail_push_account_password',
'c2dmApplicationIdentifier' => 'my_gmail_push_app_identifier',
You are now able to push messages to mobile devices
Sample for Android
// send message to device
$res = Yii::app()->getComponent('mobileNotification')->sendC2dmMessage(
'the_android_device_id', // look like base64 encoded data
array('badge' => 12, 'message' => 'My message to send') // the payload to send to the device
Sample for iOS
// send message to device
$res = Yii::app()->getComponent('mobileNotification')->sendApnsMessage(
'the_ios_device_id', // 64 characters hex id
array('aps' => array(
'badge' => CPropertyValue::ensureInteger(12), // make sure data is an integer
'alert' => 'My message to send',
Apple added a function to check if device should still receive notification.
This method should be called using a cron system in order to purge old pushId from your database to avoid sending useless notifications
$res = Yii::app()->getComponent('mobileNotification')->readApnsFeedback();
* $res is an array of array :
* $res = array(
* array($timeStamp, $pushId1),
* array($timeStamp, $pushId2),
* // ...
* );
Callback system
As an example, you have created an online shop and in several places, the cart is updated. If in the header there is a widget which shows the number of products, this widget should be updated when the cart is updated.
Using the callback system you can :
Register an event in the widget using Sweeml
<?php Sweeml::registerEvent('updateCart', "function(data){jQuery('#cart.nb').html(data+' products');}"); ?>
<div id="cart">0 product</div>
Whereever the cart is updated you can raise an event.
<script type="text/javascript">
function refreshCart() {
// perform ajax call to refresh info
url : 'http://targeturl',
success : function(nbOfProducts) {
// nbOfProducts is an integer with the number of products in cart
<?php echo Sweeml::raiseEvent('updateCart', nbOfProducts); ?>
<a href="#" onclick="refreshCart()">refresh cart</a>
Multi file upload
The basic model
class MyFile extends CFormModel {
public $thefile;
public function rules() {
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('thefile', 'SwFileValidator', 'maxFiles' => 2, 'allowEmpty' => true),
The controller
class UploadController extends CController {
* Attach generic actions to handle async uploads
* @return array
public function actions() {
return array(
'asyncUpload' => 'ext.sweekit.actions.SwUploadAction',
'asyncDelete' => 'ext.sweekit.actions.SwDeleteAction',
* initial action
* @return void
public function actionIndex() {
$file = new MyFile();
if(isset($_POST['MyFile']) == true) {
// get uploaded files
$realFiles = SwUploadedFile::getInstances($file, 'thefile');
foreach($realFiles as $realFile) {
// save uploaded files
$this->render('index', array('file' => $file));
The view
<?php echo Sweeml::activeAsyncFileUpload($file, 'thefile',array(
'config' => array(
'runtimes' => 'html5, flash',
'auto' => true,
'ui' => true,
'maxFileSize' => '512mb',
'multiSelection' => true,
'beforeUpload' => 'js:function(up, file){
$(\'#submitButton\').attr(\'disabled\', \'disabled\');
'uploadComplete' => 'js:function(up, files){
)); ?>
<?php echo Sweeml::htmlButton('submit', array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => 'submitButton')); ?>