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Watch me build this Invoice Application in PHP->

FreeCodeCamp PHP OOP Course

By Peter Fisher How To Code Well

  • Installation
    • Database
  • Requirements
  • Testing


Create .env

$ cp .env.dist .env

Modify values in .env

Creating Docker Machine (Optional)

$ docker-machine create howtocodewell-oop-php
$ docker-machine env howtocodewell-oop-php
$ eval $(docker-machine env howtocodewell-oop-php)

Create the containers and build the images

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Find IP of Docker machine

$ docker-machine ip howtocodewell-oop-php

Put the IP in a browser


Please note: This will delete the database and create a new one. All data will be lost

To rebuild the database run the following command from the host machine. (Change <DB_PASSWORD>)

$ docker-compose exec -T db mysql -u root --password=<DB_PASSWORD> < mysql/rebuild.sql

Or from within the container

$ docker-compose exec db mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 

mysql> use invoice_app;
mysql> source /scripts/rebuild.sql


  • Docker 18.09.2
  • Docker Machine 0.16.1 (Optional)
  • Docker Compose 1.23.2


Run unit tests

$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/codecept run unit 

Run unit tests with code coverage

$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/codecept run unit --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
$ open tests/_output/coverage/index.html

Run acceptance tests

$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance