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Build kotlin code using sbt

Results 16 kotlin-plugin issues
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The `pom.xml` file generated by projects using this plugin has `kotlin-scripting-compiler-embeddable` added to the project dependencies. This will cause any projects depending on the published pom to require the Kotlin...

Hi, Sadly, the siganture has changed: ``` [error] java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.ParseCommandLineArgumentsKt.parseCommandLineArguments(java.util.List, org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.CommonToolArguments) [error] at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1786) [error] at kotlin.KotlinStub.parse(KotlinCompile.scala:156) [error] at kotlin.KotlinCompile$.compile(KotlinCompile.scala:37) [error] at kotlin.KotlinPlugin$.$anonfun$kotlinCompileSettings$4(KotlinPlugin.scala:82) [error] at kotlin.KotlinPlugin$.$anonfun$kotlinCompileSettings$4$adapted(KotlinPlugin.scala:78) ```

The type signature for `parseCommandLineArguments` changed with Kotlin 1.7. To preserve support for 1.6.x and below still call the method with its old signature if the version of Kotlin is...

When using version 2.0.0 of this plugin in a play project that uses SBT 1.2.1 I'm unable to load and compile my project. Could it be because this kotlin-plugin is...


@pfn I noticed that Kotlin sources are not packaged with sbt publish or publishLocal. As result my maven source artifact is empty. Could you please suggest how I can fix...

I want to use plugins `allopen` and `noarg` to define some annotations to open classes. But plugin options don't work and at runtime spring will throw error that `class XXX...

I don't know how far this project is still active, but I hope that it is possible to update it to current versions of Scala and SBT

The plugin currently supports kotlin tests written using JUnit style. This ticket is to add support for running tests written in kotlintest style like using `WordSpec, StringSpec etc.`