chainable-components copied to clipboard
A composable API for reusable React code.
Chainable Components
A composable API for reusable React code.
Chain together reusable React components:
withState(0).chain(outer =>
withState(outer.value + 5).map(inner =>
({inner, outer})
).render(({inner, outer}) => (
<div>Outer: {outer.value} <button onClick={() => outer.update(outer.value + 1)}>+</button></div>
<div>Inner: {inner.value} <button onClick={() => inner.update(inner.value + 1)}>+</button></div>
Transform HOCs and Render Props to chainables and back:
:point_down: Here's a blog post that introduces the API.
import { Route } from 'react-router';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const withConnect = fromHigherOrderComponent(connect(mapState, mapDispatch));
const withRoute = fromRenderProp(Route);
// withConnect and withRoute are now chainable!
const withConnectAndRoute =
withConnect.chain(storeProps => => ({
store: storeProps,
path: route.history.location.pathname
// then render it!
withConnectAndRoute.render(({store, path}) => (
current path is: {path}
store contains: {store.users}
// or convert it back render prop:
const ConnectAndRoute = withConnectAndRoute.toRenderProp();
{({store, path}) => (
current path is: {path}
store contains: {store.users}
// or convert it back to a HOC:
const connectAndRouteHoc = withConnectAndRoute.toHigherOrderComponent(p => p);
connectAndRouteHoc(({store, path}) => (
current path is: {path}
store contains: {store.users}