Results 32 issues of pfg

### Zig Version 0.13.0-dev.75+5c9eb4081 ### Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior ```zig // a.zig const std = @import("std"); pub const Selection = struct { value: u8, }; pub const CursorPosition...


In the json file for stuff like grass, it has a \* "tintindex": 0,\* that makes it change colors for biomes. When you edit grass in model creator, it removes...

Reddit shortlinks go here now so lots of links in comments are broken

bug > I want the admins to understand fully, that while it's technically possible to most things on mobile these days why mods don't want to probably the reddit span...


**Describe the bug** While dragging in the web demo if the mouse goes off the window egui stops receiving mouse events **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go...

help wanted

Not sure if there is a way to do this even if the shortcuts app is not installed.

It would be nice for the web editor to have a full project manager in localstorage where you can work with multiple files and they stay after refreshing the page.

This way, a command eg `echo 'int add(int a, int b) {return a + b;}'` can output stdout to a file named `main.c` so it can be used by `addCSourceFile()`...