Pol Febrer Calabozo

Results 344 comments of Pol Febrer Calabozo

This is the page: https://zerothi.github.io/sisl/visualization/viz_module/showcase/GeometryPlot.html#GeometryPlot (I can't upload html files to github) And if I grep on that html file: ``` grep -n "not have a valid GeoJSON geometry" geometry_plot.html...

Yes, I'll send it to you as soon as I get home 👍 Thanks for the broken link report!

Here it is: [GeometryPlot.zip](https://github.com/spatialaudio/nbsphinx/files/14517088/GeometryPlot.zip)

Thank you very much! That's an interesting bug 😅 I guess I can close this then 👍

I think of it as just a bigger cell, so I don't have a problem with removing the plural 😅

The part I don't understand about SIESTA's way of handling supercells is why aren't atoms moved into the unit cell for computing neighbors. Because then computing the number of supercells...

> The idea that Lattice has pbc would be useful, but it might also be a bit problematic downstream if pbc[i] == True but nsc[i] == 1, what to do...

I guess `pbc` is something that the user can decide and set to whatever they want, but `nsc` is not something that the user should be able to set arbitrarily.

And who will store the supercell offsets?

For trajectories I think the best would be to introduce an extra dimension (MD step) in arrays like the coordinates. It would make everything simpler and more efficient. But as...