Pol Febrer Calabozo
Pol Febrer Calabozo
1. They say that in that case they have a placeholder, which is just a file that contains all cython namespace but does nothing: http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/src/tutorial/pure.html#magic-attributes. It is in the cython...
Yes, it was more of a: "Can we do pure python for the new code?"
Good! Whenever you can, could you push your changes to the neighbours branch so that I can change the syntax there? :)
Ok, I thought you had finished but unpushed things, no worries!
I've been comparing denchar with sisl for density and wavefunctions. I have created a folder with all the things necessary, and I will keep adding other structures/calculations. Let me know...
Ok, so you mean that I should generate wavefunctions in `sisl` from the `.WFSX` file, right?
Yes, the structure is shifted there, but still you can see if the wfn is the same or not.
I don't have much experience with code formatters. The only thing I know is that sometimes they can be really annoying trying to format things in ways that don't look...
> You'll see ;) Can't wait haha
Nicee! Yes once #446 is in it will be fairly easy. If it's just plotting the magnitude of the currents it will be trivial. If you need to plot the...