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The following will not work for Python3 based Debian 11...
$ sudo apt-get install make unrar-free autoconf automake libtool gcc g++ gperf
flex bison texinfo gawk ncurses-dev libexpat-dev python-dev python python-serial
sed git unzip bash help2man wget bzip2
Why don't you provide a PR that changes it?
Actually last night I worked on that, but was unsuccessful. Could not get the tool-chain setup to complete. Ran into 2 or 3 issues, that are similar to what others have posted trying to get a compile environment up and running. So clearly to update anything takes some deeper knowledge than I have at the moment. I have zero experience with Linux GCC environment, I ran right into the 385 issue, and could not resolve it, none of the suggestions seemed to work. And, since Python2 is long dead, surely the maintainers can address that issue with ease, no?
As an observational perspective, I find it interesting that across GitHub the trend seems to be for maintainers, or others, to instantly ask those that post issues, to generate a PR. Is this a culture change, or something else? Don't get me wrong, if I could suggest PR content, I would. But I am new to MicroPython and ESP SDK, and GCC as noted above, so I don't think I have the experience as yet to suggest any PR content.
I am trying to learn how to compile my own MicroPython image, and the only example I found to do this, is completely outdated and broken, I am referring to the example Adafruit published years ago, the vagrant (VM) image is broken, so it fails to start up and install components correctly as it once did.
If you took some time an read through older issue, you would have noticed, that this project might no longer be maintained and there are forks, that address all the mentioned issues. Did you try this fork?
So you start the comment with an insult? If you took some time.... I have spent about 16 hours now trying to figure out how to get any variant of any google example of the tool-chain and SDK environment to compile and work correctly. And no, I have not exhausted everything possible option. No wonder people state that GitHub is getting toxic.
The issue contains all the required steps to build on the latest versions of all :)