Paul Sokolovsky

Results 646 comments of Paul Sokolovsky offers much better solution - import/export to an SQLite database. Such database can be directly operated on to do many useful things, or well, a script can be written...

@buletti : > Is there any way I can help to move this along? Perhaps you could rebase this on master from time to time, to keep in more "ready"...

>> As far as I understand portfolio loads all the data to RAM when it is opened, right? Couldn't this be avoided and thus the startup time reduced if the...

Reading thru project issues, it's a common situation that people want to do things beyond PP's capabilities. And somehow they always proceed with demanding that PortfolioPerformance should do that for...

@funnym0nk3y : Please update the title of this ticket to correspond to its content.

> “I don’t immediately find some feature > let’s immediately file a bug report Trust me, I do my homework on looking for things, including in the source code, and...

> Ah, those great actionable issues. As mentioned above, this is more like "strategic outlook" ticket, but from it, quite specific, actionable issues can be entailed:

I now see this happening with fees. Wouldn't have opinion re: taxes, but getting a fee rebate is absolutely normal practice, and should be recorded as such. @flywire, can you...

> [ERROR] Access restriction: The type '...' is not API (restriction on classpath entry I saw such lately with my fork (for various class names). Aggressively cleaning portfolio-product/ (plus reverting...

+1. Or rather, "only security name" is shown in various performance charts/tables. I don't want to see *only* a name, I **also** want to see a ticker. And in some...