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Plugin Framework for Spring (PF4J - Spring Framework integration)

Results 36 pf4j-spring issues
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Supporting Spring Parent-Child ApplicationContext

when very first run pf4j-spring demo you will get some fails: 1 if you use some high jdk version ,like 11.0.13,then you will get the fail: package javax.annotation does not...

Hi. We are currently building a Spring Boot-based service that will use plugins to make it highly customizable for our users. One thing we try to do is providing beans...

Hi, Could you take a look at this questions? Question: How to update the ‘List’ bean while some plugins are unloaded/deleted? ``` public class Greetings { @Autowired private List greetings;...

Hi author: In my cases,many plugins need to use services provided by the host application,so I had the idea of supporting a Spring parent-child context Example Code: ` Desc: Then...

Hi: I followed I couldn’t make it work. Can somebody past entire code which include rest controller and jpa in plug-in. I am surprised I could not find single...

can you provide a self contained example to have restful controler and spring jpa in plugings.

If the plugin uses services/repositories from the application that loads the plugin, is there a way to do integration tests for this?

```java SpringPluginManager pluginManager = new SpringPluginManager(new File("plugins").toPath()); DemoImpl implA = pluginManager.getExtension(DemoImpl.class,"xxxx").get(0); implA.setMessage("hello"); DemoImpl impB = pluginManager.getExtension(DemoImpl.class,"xxxx").get(0); String message = implB.getMessage(); // I want an unassigned message ``` `SpringExtensionFactory ` is...

Hi, I'm trying to import plugins on-runtime, I began without on-runtime plugin loading, base on the pf4j-spring demo I manage to create plugins and if I place the plugin file...