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Customising Shaders

Open vorg opened this issue 5 years ago • 22 comments

Currently we can set material.vert and material.frag but that breaks as we also include them in the depth prepass shaders vert: material.vert || DEPTH_PASS_VERT. The correct (needs testing) way is to define all 3 shaders and use preprocessor to support all 3 cases

//copy pre pass shader
//copy depth shader
//pbr shader

That's painful.


vorg avatar Sep 27 '19 13:09 vorg

After looking at that SceneKit shader modifiers our api could look e.g. like this:

material.shaderModifiers = {
   // model space, before skinning, world transform and projection
   geometry: `
      uniform float uDisplaceAmplitude;
      vertexData.position += vertexData.normal * uDisplaceAmplitude;
   // after reading all uniforms and texture values
   // before lighting, values in view space
   surface: `
      vec3 textureTriplanar(vec3 worldPos, vec3 normal) {        
      surfaceData.baseColor = textureTriplanar(worldPos, worldNormal);
   // after lighting (but before or after exposure and tonemapping?)
   fragment: `
      outputData.color.rgb = vec3(1.0) - outputData.color.rgb;
      // but also
      outputData.color.rgb = surfaceData.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;


  • geometry is run in vertex shader, surface and fragment in fragment shader
  • surface stage assumes value in view space but we already compute values in world space e.g. for envmaps, those could be available too
  • SceneKit includes another lighting stage that can execute in vertex or fragment shader
  • SceneKit allows modification of texture coordinates, which means colors from textures are read after this stage
  • fragment state in SceneKit is the final pixel color

Open questions: How do you do you define uniforms?

  1. we could detect and extract uniforms and functions as assumed in above example
  2. we split modifier into declaration and code parts
material.shaderModifiers = {
   // model space, before skinning, world transform and projection
   geometry: {
      defs `uniform float uDisplaceAmplitude;`,
      code: `vertexData.position += vertexData.normal * uDisplaceAmplitude;`

vorg avatar Sep 27 '19 13:09 vorg

  • why geometry and surface ? is this additional jargon that might just add confusion?
  • are you going to be be able to change these on the fly?
  • detect and extract uniforms and functions this stinks of heartache and pain from edge cases and debugging etc

simonharrisco avatar Sep 27 '19 13:09 simonharrisco

is this additional jargon that might just add confusion?

Hmm these are basic concepts in computer graphics. Geometry defines the shape of thing being render, and surface parameters how that shape responds to light. And they are not as much detached from renderer names and it might first seem.

geometry - it makes sense if you notice that those are raw values coming from geometry component attributes, you could also call it vertex

surface - this is excellent name to clarify where the modification happens, in our code we have one PBRData blob that contains raw values from uniforms and textures (surface data), color values computed from light based on BRDF (reflectance function output data) and final fragment shader before and after post-processing (if done inline, fragment data)

vorg avatar Sep 27 '19 14:09 vorg

are you going to be be able to change these on the fly?

Same as currently recompilation happens when any of the material parameters modifying shader is changed.

detect and extract uniforms and functions this stinks of heartache and pain from edge cases and debugging etc

I think so too

vorg avatar Sep 27 '19 14:09 vorg

Open questions: How do you do you define uniforms?

Could we make use of material._uniforms somehow?

With the shaderModifiers syntax above, it feels a big vague as to where custom code is added (is it at the top, uniform declaration, beginning/end of main()...).

dmnsgn avatar Sep 30 '19 09:09 dmnsgn

@dmnsgn which part of it is vague?

If code then then way Scene Kit defines it is very clear: "after the above values are defined/read but before they are used. I.g. vertex before skinning, surface after getBaseColor() (read uniform or texture) but before applying lighting and frag at the very end.

The problem is e.g. if you want to declare function as well. Hence proposal for defs part so i can add eg. vec3 triplannarTexturing() { function just before main.

_uniforms is just cache uniforms - is list of values if you have declared new uniforms in you modified shader

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

Code injection points geometry: material.vert.js#L134 and depth-pass.vert.js#L124 surface: material.frag.js#L203 fragment: material.frag.js#L253

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

@dmnsgn which part of it is vague?

How do I handle modifying vertex position before or after instancing if I only have one injection point? Same if I need to modify data.normalWorld before or after. Not 100% sure these are valid use cases but worth thinking of how the injection point could be limiting.

dmnsgn avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 dmnsgn

Yes, it's limiting but also make things clear how they work and provides immunity from underlying shader code changes. Otherwise things get complicated fast just to cover remaining 5-10% of use cases and we end up where we are now "copy whole shader, modify what you want and hope it works in the X.1 release"

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

Another good thing i see coming out of it we could clean up code a bit as now values are defined and computed all over the place at different stages. e.g. reflectionWorld added to global PBRData struct only if we have reflection probes material.frag.js#L207

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

A good idea is to write a list of use cases:


  • tri planar texture mapping -> surface
  • generative colors (base color, metallic) -> surface
  • toon shading -> fragment
  • showing debug information (normals, ao, texture coords) -> fragment
  • picking color id -> fragment

No clear how to prototype

  • displacement mapping -> vertex + surface (frag based normal recalc?)
  • subsurface scattering -> ?
  • irradiance volumes -> more of a lighting modifier
  • projective texturing (projection mapping, light cookies) -> post lighting blend?
  • particle depth write -> fragment?

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

@dmnsgn to answer your earlier question about uniforms and varying. Similar to what is doing we could move to more modular shader definitions like here :

Group 21

This way custom shader would be pushing it's uniforms to material.uniforms defs array and adding custom functions to eg. material.lib list of snippets and then custom part to material.modifiers.surface nice and clean... even possibly webgl2 compilable

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 10:09 vorg

For now this is what's happening

Renderer following shader chunks

this.shaders = {
    chunks: SHADERS_CHUNKS,
    pipeline: {
      material: {
        vert: PBR_VERT,
        frag: PBR_FRAG

We customize material shader

material.frag = renderer.shaders.pipeline.material.frag.replace(...)`

but that then get's used for depth pre-pass

 return {
      flags: flags,
      vert: material.vert || DEPTH_PASS_VERT,
      frag: material.frag || DEPTH_PRE_PASS_FRAG

What i think should happen is

depth prepass - renders geometry and outputs depth and normals then used for SSAO depth pass - simplified shader for shadow maps depth rendering material - normal pbr with full lighting

material.frag = `#ifdef DEPTH_PRE_PASS_ONLY

vorg avatar Sep 30 '19 11:09 vorg

Proper syntax with elif defined

var frag = `#ifdef DEPTH_PRE_PASS_ONLY
  #elif defined DEPTH_PASS_ONLY
    `gl_FragData[0] = encode(vec4(color, 1.0), uOutputEncoding);`,
    `color = data.normalView * 0.5 + 0.5;
    gl_FragData[0] = encode(vec4(color, 1.0), uOutputEncoding);`

vorg avatar Oct 04 '19 01:10 vorg

Also related:

pailhead avatar Jan 16 '20 04:01 pailhead


Open questions: How do you do you define uniforms?

There could be an additional "above the fold" point where you can insert GLSL outside of main(){}. Three's chunk are more or less aligned with what scene kit does with stages, like you can transform the vertex in model space in almost every shader by replacing/modifying the same chunk. However it's missing a lot, for example the common one is included in both the vertex and fragment shaders, so putting something like attribute float foo; in there will break the fragment shader.

Also, there would not be a need to even define them in GLSL if you could pass the type in along with the uniform:

const uFoo = { value: 1, type: 'i' }
const uBar = { value: 1, type: 'f' }
const uBaz = { value: Vector3() } //most actually wouldnt need a type, so maybe omit ints, allow only floats...

pailhead avatar Jan 16 '20 04:01 pailhead


How do I handle modifying vertex position before or after instancing if I only have one injection point?

Currently you can do it by modifying various THREE.ShaderChunk values at runtime 😢. If you prepend to the instancing chunk, it will happen before instancing, if you append, it will happen after. You actually have way more granular stages today than you would in this proposal i believe. The problem is that it's not clear how to access them, and the interface is IMHO extremely clunky and opinionated (buggy on top of everything).

More info.

pailhead avatar Jan 16 '20 04:01 pailhead

displacement mapping -> vertex + surface (frag based normal recalc?)

This example is interesting. I don't think that you would want to write normal calculation code every time for every shader. This could perhaps be automated to take into account only the fact that the default normal is no longer correct. So for example, the presence of some GLSL in some field, could trigger a define to calculate the normals. I think you'd want to limit this to just vertex, and have the surface stuff happen in a general way (vertex moved / normals invalid), automagically.

pailhead avatar Jan 16 '20 04:01 pailhead

Also might be worth checking out (help welcome!) this . It's on the shelf atm, but i think a couple of these materials are completely wired. Basically you can remove all mention of materials other than ShaderMaterial from WebGLRenderer and everything should still work fine.

The approach is exactly the same as how WebGLRenderer is handling this, except that it happens outside, and you have control over it way before the internals such as onBeforeCompile kick in. I was able to easily implement my approach to shader includes by using this.

State of the world:

[ShaderMaterial] \
[______Material]  _\_______ [ WebGLRenderer ] 

ChunkMaterial basically does this:

[______Material] ______ [ShaderMaterial] _______ [WebGLRenderer] 

You're free to process the template anyway you want, but you get getters and setters so you don't have to do = myTexture
material.uMyUniform.value = 1

You get: = myTexture
material.uMyUniform = 1

pailhead avatar Jan 16 '20 04:01 pailhead

Note to self:

If above ifelse doesn't work try

//copy pre pass shader
//copy depth shader
#ifndef DEPTH_PRE_PASS_ONLY     
#ifndef DEPTH_PASS_ONLY     
//pbr shader      

vorg avatar Jan 21 '20 10:01 vorg

@pailhead thanks for the comments. I'll definitely review the ThreeJS struggles. It seems though that everybody (three, babylonjs, unity) are moving towards shader graphs. I need to understand better "why now?". as there was a big push against that in the gamedev industry few years back. One benefits of shader graph would be that it fits naturally with which is where pex-renderer is used the most.

vorg avatar Jan 21 '20 10:01 vorg

I don't understand the idea of compiling shader graphs on the web. It seems that three's NodeMaterial is struggling with just that. I really like the scene kit approach to this problem. I think that after you've made some graph, in some application, you should generate some GLSL, in three's case something compatible with it (specific uniform/attribute names and such).

Heh i also didn't realize i wasn't on three's page anymore :D

pailhead avatar Feb 14 '20 05:02 pailhead

My latest preferred approach would be to have named hook/extension points + optional source string replacement like BabylonJS Material Plugins

screenshot_2022-08-30_at_13 15 05

Curious how ThreeJS does it.

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 12:11 vorg

How would it work in practice?

entity.material = components.material({
 type: 'standard',
 baseColor: [1, 0, 0, 1],
 vertHooks: {
      uniform vec2 uTextureScale;
       vTexCoord0 *= uTextureScale;
 fragHooks: {
      uniform sampler2D uVertexNormalMap;
    BEFORE_PBR: /*glsl*/`
       data.normalView = texture2D(uVertexNormalMap, data.texCoord0);

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 12:11 vorg

It's a simple solution that could be battle tested in the current project for smooth normals from vertex texture and reviewed afterwards. There is lot's of complications that are to be considered beyond GLSL modification. E.g. where data comes from? If we were to follow Babylon approach with getUniforms() it could look like

entity.material = components.material({
 type: 'standard',
 baseColor: [1, 0, 0, 1],
 vertHooks: { ... }
 fragHooks: { ... },
 uniformHook: (entity) => {
    return {
       uTextureScale: entity.material.textureScale,
       uVertexNormalMap: entity.material.vertexNormalMap

or even

entity.material = components.material({
  type: "standard",
  baseColor: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  hooks: {
    vert: {
      AFTER_DECLARATIONS: /*glsl*/ `
       uniform vec2 uTextureScale;
    frag: {
      AFTER_DECLARATIONS: /*glsl*/ `
       uniform sampler2D uVertexNormalMap;
    uniforms: (entity) => {
      return {
        uTextureScale: entity.material.textureScale,
        uVertexNormalMap: entity.material.vertexNormalMap,

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 13:11 vorg

I'll attempt a summary (WIP):


Not a huge fan of hooks for a few reasons.


  • naming things is hard, no way I'll remember these names without checking docs
  • how do we choose where to insert them, do we add one hook after each function/stage?
  • how would they be injected? Shaders are strings so we'd need to
    • clutter shaders with comment/pragma/include/custom syntax #include AFTER_DECLARATIONS + regex replace
    • make shaders source function where we pass hooks as options?
  • doesn't allow to modify existing parts of a material
  • reliance on vert/frag to have these hooks


  • easily replaceable
  • fastest to implement

Full shader + #include declaration

Both three and lygia moved to #include chunkOfLibrary.


  • smaller shaders, visually parsable at a higher level


  • hoping no breaking changes in previous releases
  • not sure it the best for tree shaking
  • risk of not finding which included part is triggering an error

Shader graph


  • most customisable
  • could handle dependencies
  • could be used as a better way to visualise a shader
  • nodes friendly


  • technical overhead
  • would be kind of object oriented hooks?

Side notes:

Three/dgel can do automatic variables insertion

My ideal scenario:

  • avoid regex replace: prone to error, hard to write/debug, monkeypatching
  • no custom syntax
  • something esm friendly and portable between es120/es300/wgsl
  • handling of dependencies
  • easy to debug/overwrite for quick testing

dmnsgn avatar Nov 04 '22 13:11 dmnsgn

Adding some examples for context

#include declaration


The fact that all those are globally defined with no path/source doesn't look like much fun to debug.

export const vertex = /* glsl */`
#define PHONG
varying vec3 vViewPosition;
#include <common>
#include <uv_pars_vertex>
#include <uv2_pars_vertex>
#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>
#include <envmap_pars_vertex>
#include <color_pars_vertex>
#include <fog_pars_vertex>
#include <normal_pars_vertex>
#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>
#include <skinning_pars_vertex>
#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>
#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>
#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>


void main() {
	#include <clipping_planes_fragment>
	vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );
	ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );
	vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;
	#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>
	#include <map_fragment>
	#include <color_fragment>
	#include <alphamap_fragment>
	#include <alphatest_fragment>
	#include <specularmap_fragment>

And then

import alphamap_fragment from './ShaderChunk/alphamap_fragment.glsl.js';
import alphamap_pars_fragment from './ShaderChunk/alphamap_pars_fragment.glsl.js';
import alphatest_fragment from './ShaderChunk/alphatest_fragment.glsl.js';
import alphatest_pars_fragment from './ShaderChunk/alphatest_pars_fragment.glsl.js';
import aomap_fragment from './ShaderChunk/aomap_fragment.glsl.js';
import aomap_pars_fragment from './ShaderChunk/aomap_pars_fragment.glsl.js';
import begin_vertex from './ShaderChunk/begin_vertex.glsl.js';
import beginnormal_vertex from './ShaderChunk/beginnormal_vertex.glsl.js';
import bsdfs from './ShaderChunk/bsdfs.glsl.js';
import iridescence_fragment from './ShaderChunk/iridescence_fragment.glsl.js';
import bumpmap_pars_fragment from './ShaderChunk/bumpmap_pars_fragment.glsl.js';


One issue I see there that it implies access to the library. For nodes does it mean glslify like code on the client side?

#include "../../../lygia/lighting/envMap.glsl";
#include "../../../lygia/lighting/pbr.glsl";
#include "../../../lygia/lighting/shadow.glsl";
#include "../../../lygia/lighting/material/new.glsl"
#include "../../../lygia/lighting/atmosphere.glsl"
#include "../../../lygia/color/dither.glsl"
#include "../../../lygia/color/tonemap.glsl"

void main() {
  vec4 final = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

  vec3 lightPos = u_lightPosition;
  vec3 normal = normalize(v_normal);
  vec3 lightColor = vec3(1.0);
  vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos - v_position);
  vec3 viewDir = normalize(u_cameraPosition - v_position);

  Material material = materialNew();
  material.albedo.rgb = u_diffuseColor;
  material.emissive.rgb = u_diffuseColor * 0.0;
  material.normal = normalize(v_normal);
  material.metallic = u_metallic;
  material.roughness = u_roughness;
  material.reflectance = u_reflectance;
  material.ambientOcclusion = 0.5;

  final = pbr(material);

Shader graph

nodes friendly

Assumes that we have subgraph and can e.g. abstract Principled PBR node away from smaller internal chunks. Not that customizable without node based hooks if in order to add some effect in PBR friendly way you would need to break master shader apart. Just see how many includes has the ThreeJS examples above.

Maybe an alternative is possible. What i like about hooks is that they support most common scenarios:

  • animate mesh position / normal / tex coord in vertex shader
  • replace uvs before all PBR textures are sampled e.g. for procedural meshes
  • subsitute color/metallic/roughness before PBR computation
  • overwrite final output before writing frag color

I don't think following usecases are desired and shouldn't be optimised for

  • implementing fully customized translucency that would also need custom render pass
  • adding things like sheen or clearcoat as they often impact other parts of the light equation for conservation of energy

Side notes

Three/dgel can do automatic variables insertion

Based on some parameter declaration?

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 19:11 vorg

Is ShaderGraph goal ?

Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 19 29 41

ThreeJS Node Material There is also GLSL-in-JS but it's madness... although it allows compilation to both GLSL and WGSL.

generateStandardMaterial( builder, { colorNode, diffuseColorNode } ) {
		const { material } = builder;
		let metalnessNode = this.metalnessNode ? float( this.metalnessNode ) : materialMetalness;
	        metalnessNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( metalnessNode, 'Metalness' ) );
		builder.addFlow( 'fragment', assign( diffuseColorNode, vec4( mul( diffuseColorNode.rgb, invert( metalnessNode ) ), diffuseColorNode.a ) ) );
		let roughnessNode = this.roughnessNode ? float( this.roughnessNode ) : materialRoughness;
		roughnessNode = getRoughness(....

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 19:11 vorg

TLDR: not aiming for fully dynamic gpu compute graphs, just avoiding yet-another-pbr-version-with-this-one-small-change

To answer concern about hooks

naming things is hard, no way I'll remember these names without checking docs how do we choose where to insert them, do we add one hook after each function/stage?

We could limit it to those touch points VERT_BEFORE_TRANSFORM //after reading from attributes like aNormal VERT_AFTER_TRANSFORM //after skinning skinning, moving to world space etc FRAG_BEFORE_TEXTURES //after reading from varyings and uniforms but before reading from textures FRAG_BEFORE_PBR //before doing lighting math FRAG_AFTER_PBR //after pbr math, allows for individual direct/indirect/emissive overwrites FRAG_END //before writing to screen

What would probably cover 90% of cases for me.

how would they be injected? Shaders are strings so we'd need to clutter shaders with comment/pragma/include/custom syntax #include AFTER_DECLARATIONS + regex replace

Just few. See above

make shaders source function where we pass hooks as options?

No need. Entry points should be limited.

doesn't allow to modify existing parts of a material

Not desired IMO. Any example use cases?

reliance on vert/frag to have these hooks

To be available only in standard PBR material.

vorg avatar Nov 04 '22 19:11 vorg

As predicted naming is hard...

in glsl mark place for code injection


and then in material js code

hooks: {
  vert: {
      DECLARATIONS_END: `defaulting to this for now`

vorg avatar Nov 05 '22 23:11 vorg