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Hyperparameter tuning via uncertainty modeling
Tuun is a toolkit for efficient hyperparameter tuning via uncertainty modeling, with a focus on flexible model choice, scalability, and use in distributed settings.
Tuun requires Python 3.6+. To install all dependencies for development, clone and cd
into this repo, and run:
$ pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt
For the full functionality of Tuun, a Stan model must also be compiled (this takes roughly 1 minute) by running:
$ python tuun/probo/models/stan/compile_models.py -m gp_distmat_fixedsig
Quick Start
Note: Tuun is still in the early stages and the following API and functionality may undergo changes.
Here is a minimal working example, which uses Tuun to optimize a function over a one-dimensional Euclidean search space with bounds [-5, 5].
from tuun.main import Tuun
# instantiate Tuun
tu = Tuun()
# set search space
search_space = ('real', [-5, 5])
# define function to optimize
f = lambda x: x[0] ** 4 - x[0] ** 2 + 0.1 * x[0]
# minimize function over search space
result = tu.minimize_function(f, 20)
This should find a minima at roughly: 𝑥*=[−0.73], where 𝑓(𝑥*)=−0.32. See this docs page for more details on defining different search spaces for Tuun.
Tuun also allows for fine-grained configuration of individual components and search spaces, as shown in the example below.
from tuun.main import Tuun
config = {
# configure tuning backend
'backend': 'probo',
# configure model
'model_config': {'name': 'simplegp', 'ls': 3.0, 'alpha': 1.5, 'sigma': 1e-5},
# configure acquisition function
'acqfunction_config': {'name': 'default', 'acq_str': 'ei'},
# configure acquisition optimizer
'acqoptimizer_config': {'name': 'default', 'max_iter': 200},
# configure domain
'domain_config': ('real', [-5, 5]),
tu = Tuun(config)
f = lambda x: x[0] ** 4 - x[0] ** 2 + 0.1 * x[0]
result = tu.minimize_function(f, 20)
This should also find a minima at roughly: 𝑥*=[−0.73], where 𝑓(𝑥*)=−0.32. See this docs page for more details on possible configurations.
See here for a larger set of quick start examples for Tuun.
Use in NNI
Tuun can be used as a custom tuner in NNI (neural network intelligence), which allows for visualization and experiment management. See this docs page for more details, and this directory for a minimal example.
See a few examples of Tuun here, including the setup for various benchmark functions, different types of search spaces, and use within NNI.
The plots below show a couple examples of Tuun, along with other tuning algorithms, on benchmark functions.
Tuun is part of the CASL project.
Companies and universities using and developing Tuun.