battery-stats copied to clipboard
gnuplot >=6.x no longer has '-title' argument
As per title.
unrecognized option -title
line 0: Cannot load input from 'Battery Graph'
Or with bash -x
+ gnuplot -persist -title 'Battery Graph'
+ echo 'zero_time_err = sqrt((A/B**2*B_err)**2+(1.0/B*A_err)**2) }'
+ echo 'full_time = (100-A)/B'
+ echo 'g(x) = x<zero_time?(x>full_time?f(x):1/0):1/0'
+ echo 'set xrange [ 758684676 : 758713476 ] noreverse'
+ echo plot '"/tmp/tmp.tk7Rtpedcl" using ($1 - 946733400):($3==2?$2:1/0) smooth unique axis x1y1 title "Plugged in" with lines linecolor rgb "blue" linewidth 3, "" using ($1 - 946733400):($3==1?$2:1/0) smooth unique axis x1y1 title "Discharging" with lines linecolor rgb "red" linewidth 3, "" using ($1 - 946733400):($3==0?$2:1/0) smooth unique axis x1y1 title "Unknown" with lines linecolor rgb "gray" linewidth 3 \'
+ true
+ echo ', g(x -(1705388544-946733400) ) title (B<0?sprintf("slope= (%.2f +/- %.2f) %/h", B*3600, B_err*3600):"") lc rgb "black" lt 2 '
unrecognized option -title
line 0: Cannot load input from 'Battery Graph'
Unfortunately I can't interpret what is needed from gnuplots changelog or I'd do an MR.
I don't know what is the correct portable fix but if you use qt output (like me) you can just set title like this
Got the same error on the latest git version :-/