Petr van Blokland
Petr van Blokland
It is a bug in RoboFont that Frederik has to solve or we need a work around. For some reason DrawBot does not install a font twice when it is...
I mean DrawBot, not RoboFont :) > On Sep 10, 2018, at 3:37 PM, Petr van Blokland wrote: > > It is a bug in RoboFont that Frederik has to...
Please do. I sent it as mail directly to Frederik and Just before. > On Sep 10, 2018, at 3:42 PM, Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches wrote: > > thanks!...
This is a fundamental problem with Flat. All formats have their own type of colours to work with and cannot be mixed, This means that the export format needs to...
Just van Rossum suggested that too. > On 30 Jan 2018, at 13:39, Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches wrote: > > Maybe we should consider using pycairo instead of flat...
Something we need to check. You can do it manually by moving the pagebot folder into the site-packages manually, or create a pagebot.pth file manually in site-packages with the path...
@xyloidhead There is no fundamental reason for not making PageBot work under WIndows, except that we neither have the experience not the resources or funding for development and testing. PageBot...
@xyloidhead You also might want to have a look at • PageBot/Example • PageBotNano (which is an incremental educational version of PageBot. Not compatible, but showing the structure from...
Additional to this, note that rules can become more complex than a simple boolean equation. If the $-bar strike-through switch happens on a different weight value for condensed width than...