Petteri Kivimäki
Petteri Kivimäki
Hi @asow25! That's great to hear! 😄 What TLS certificate(s) do you mean? Do you want to change 1) the admin UI/API TLS certificate (port 4000) and/or 2) the global...
In theory, changing the port is possible, but it requires changes to multiple places and the process is not documented. Therefore, I don't recommend changing it.
Yes, those are consequences of changing the port. To get rid of them, you should modify the source code, build your own installation packages and do the installation using your...
Indeed, the second error message is related to the certificate path. In that case, you should review the instructions and double check that you've completed all the steps according to...
Unfortunately, the error message doesn't include the root cause of the problem - only that there's something wrong with your configuration. Could you share the whole `/var/log/xroad/proxy_ui_api.log` and `/var/log/xroad/configuration_client.log` log...
The CA that you deploy with Ansible is meant for issuing authentication certificates for Security Servers and sign certificates for X-Road members. Using that CA for the UI and global...