hledger-interest copied to clipboard
Partial Period Interest 12/31
I have a loan that assesses and capitalizes interest on the 10th of each month. Is there a way to ignore the 12/31 end of year interest assessment that hledger-interest calculates? Because of the capitalization, all of the values are incorrect beginning January 10th.
hledger-interest -f personal_loan.csv --act --annual=0.0674 -s Expenses:Loan:Personal -t Liabilities:Loan:Personal Liabilities:Loan:Personal --today
2021/12/10 6.74% interest for $-18251.54 over 30 days Correct Liabilities:Loan:Personal $-101.11 Expenses:Loan:Personal $101.11
2021/12/31 6.74% interest for $-17873.71 over 21 days Partial: This starts the deviation from actual Liabilities:Loan:Personal $-69.31 Expenses:Loan:Personal $69.31
2022/01/10 6.74% interest for $-17943.02 over 10 days Incorrect interest amount due to 21 day capitalization Liabilities:Loan:Personal $-33.13 Expenses:Loan:Personal $33.13
2022/02/10 6.74% interest for $-17497.21 over 31 days off by $0.12 Liabilities:Loan:Personal $-100.16 Expenses:Loan:Personal $100.16
2022/06/25 6.74% interest for $-15568.83 over 15 days Off by $28.33 should be 15597.16 Liabilities:Loan:Personal $-43.12 Expenses:Loan:Personal $43.12
I too find it disappointing that the interest end-of-year is forced to be 31-Dec. Often this is the anniversary of the account opening, or the interest only gets calculated at the tax year end. Or maybe only when the deposit account is closed.