Peter Van der Beken

Results 21 comments of Peter Van der Beken forwards to, which in step 8 (after calling `ToNumber`) does: _If x is NaN, +0, +∞, or −∞, then return +0._ So `undefined`-> `NaN` -> `+0` and `null`...

We have been trying out making `GetOwnProperty` on `WindowProxy` return property descriptors with `Configurable: true` and making `DefineOwnProperty`on `WindowProxy` return `false` if the descriptor has `Configurable: false` (with exceptions for...

This looks fine to me, but I'd also like it to be consistent with the other DOMException properties (with a getter). I also think the serialization should include this value.

`Document.adoptNode` also reparents in Gecko. I don't know of any plans to change that at this point, though we never got cross-browser agreement on it (eg see also the mega-thread...

Sorry, missed this thread. I don't think I have a strong opinion here. The difference with the ES spec is unfortunate, but WebIDL is already different for operations anyway.

> For the case above, Gecko, for instance, willfully violates the spec by null'ing the label attribute: The patch for switching Gecko's WebIDL parser/codegen to undefined hasn't landed yet,...

I think this was also fixed by [DefaultValue]( now includes `undefined`, and the optional argument section has > When the undefined token is used as the [default value](, the...

Although we might have missed adding `undefined` to > When a boolean literal token (true or false), the null token, an [integer]( token, a [decimal]( token, one of the three...

> * Firefox uses %MapIteratorPrototype% for `AudioParamMap`, `EventCounts`, and `RTCPeerStats`. It does _not_ use %SetIteratorPrototype% for `FontFaceSet`. Firefox does use `%SetIteratorPrototype%` for setlikes, `FontFaceSet` is not marked as setlike in...