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buttons to adjust the first board mean/stddev quickly during a run
During a run, the runner might determine they need to change their first board mean/stddev based on gameplay. Having a set of buttons that allows incrementing/decrementing the textboxes might be helpful. This could be in the form of a set of orders of magnitude buttons e.g.
| mean entry field |
I don't think users need that many options. People who restart their game will not be changing it during runs, so we only have to cater to people with means in the millions. With such a high mean, it's not realistic to specify it much more precisely than the nearest 50k, but the people who adjust during a run are also generally not going to deviate by more than a few hundred thousand. Thus, I would just have two buttons, like
First board mean: [−50] |7150| [+50]
Now, what's stopping me from implementing this is the rest of the settings. Aside from perhaps the first board standard deviation, none of the others should have buttons, and I think it would look bad in the grid layout to have just one or two with buttons and the rest without.