nosql copied to clipboard breaks for Node.js v10.0.0
Line 2388 will cause an exception in Node.js > v10.0.0. The callback parameter is no longer optional for fs.close. Not passing it will throw a TypeError at runtime. There was a depreciation warning since Node.js v7.0.0
Hi @seetd , I need to update the entire source-code. I have new version, but I didn't have any time for update. I will think on it this/next month.
Hey @petersirka,
Thanks for the quick reply. I was looking into a PR but it appears that you might have a whole lot of changes in what I believe is the Total.js repo It appears to have some major rewrites and other dependencies within the framework so I will workaround it for now. I found the problem while working on code examples from a book and added a reference to an issue I filed there as well.
Hi @petersirka , why do you need to update entire source ode for this ? Do you need help ?
Because I rewrote reading/writing data into the file. Currently is very effective and it can stream big data and updates don't modify entire DB file. I will work on it soon, but my time is limited for this module :-( ...