clj-gpio copied to clipboard
A basic library for reading, writing and watching GPIO signals on a Raspberry PI, in a REPL-friendly way.
A basic library for reading, writing and watching GPIO signals on a Raspberry Pi, in a Clojure REPL-friendly way. Now, also targets ClojureScript.
Add the following to your project.clj
[clj-gpio 0.2.0]
Fire up a REPL, and require gpio.core
GPIO Read/Write
We can open a basic read/write gpio port as follows (let's say we have an LED conncted to GPIO 17):
user=> (require '[gpio.core :refer :all] :reload)
user=> (def port (open-port 17))
To read the value of the port, we can do the following:
user=> (read-value port)
To set values on the port, The port needs to be configured for out
user=> (set-direction! port :out)
This also works with 'out
and "out"
. A value can be written to the port
as follows:
user=> (write-value! port :high)
With our LED connected to gpio 17, we should see it turned on. We can also
read back the value and see that (= :high @port)
We can also toggle the state, for convenience:
user=> (toggle! port)
which will flip the state from :low
to :high
or vice versa.
GPIO Listening.
We can also pull events off of a gpio port by using open-channel-port
. In
addition to setting directions, values etc, we set the edge change that we'll
listen for, and we can create a core.async
channel from which can receive
For example (if we have a push button on GPIO 18):
user=> (def ch-port (open-channel-port 18))
user=> (set-direction! ch-port :in)
user=> (set-edge! ch-port :both) ; or :falling, :rising, and :none to disable
We'll also set the bit to :high when the button pressed:
user=> (set-active-low! ch-port true)
Let's turn on the LED we defined in the Read/Write example above when our button is pressed:
user=> (def ch (create-edge-channel ch-port))
user=> (require '[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go <!]])
user=> (go (loop []
(when-let [value (<! ch)]
(write-value! port value)
#<ManyToManyChannel clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel@1197ad0>
When we're finished with the channel, we call:
user=> (a/close! ch)
And clean up our ports:
user=> (close! port)
user=> (close! ch-port)
First compile the java sources:
lein javac
then fire up your REPL and require gpio.core
as usual.
Note, the edge channel will only operate on the Raspberry PI platform.
Copyright © 2014 Peter Schwarz
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.