Peter Sampson
Peter Sampson
The Time Shift tool behaves in exactly the same way - so this is not a new issue created by the Clip-handles,
Testing on W10 with latest 3.2.0 alpha master audacity-win-3.2.0-alpha-20220715+57c277e-x64-msvc2022 shows this affects generators too and is also a regression on 3.1.3 1. Generate 10 hours of anything but silence 2....
@LWinterberg @dozzzzer @Ryan-Miller-Audacity @Tantacrul Testing on W11 with the latest alpha master - audacity-win-3.2.0-alpha-20220809+6f6501c-x64-msvc2022 This looks pretty bad to me in terms of UX - with an empty non-filed dialog...
Testing on W11 with audacity-win-3.2.0-alpha-20220822+be66b5b-x64-msvc2022 @Paul-Licameli I am reopening this because when I test with a one hour mono track (Chirp, Tone, DTMF etc and then apply Amplify a) yes...
@crsib @dozzzzer @LWinterberg Testing on W10 with latest 3.2.0 alpha - audacity-win-3.2.0-alpha-20220902+7c9c978-x64-msvc2022 And on macOS 12.5.1 with audacity-macOS-3.2.0-alpha-20220902+7c9c978-x86_64 This appears to be working properly now on both W10 and macOS....
Maybe there could be an option added to the Directories preferences, a checkbox say, to override the Macros output directory - and in which case the macros output directory would...
Or maybe if it is just left blank then the macros output directory would be placed in the same directory as the files to be processed a Macro (basically the...
> Or maybe if it is just left blank then the macros output directory would be placed in the same directory as the files to be processed a Macro (basically...
Today the Album art metadata bit me - and it really is very annoying, I can fully understand why users get upset about this one: Bug 701 - Metadata: Embedded...
I have marked this as a High Priority bug as some of those metadata bugs (in particular the discarding of a user's carefully added album art) is a data loss...