Peter Sampson
Peter Sampson
>3. Audacity crashes after having disabled some built-in effect(s), then switching the Category to Generator and trying to rescan. @dozzzzer @vsverchinsky I cannot reproduce this on W10
@dozzzzer @vsverchinsky >4. Audacity may also freeze sometimes with or without the "Audacity Support Data" dialog popping up when performing pretty much the same set of actions >5. And lastly,...
Testing on W10 with @vsverchinsky 's latest branch build for this: audacity-win-3.5.0-alpha-20240314+cfb3b3a-x64 The list of **Types** has had "effects" trimmed from them as per @LWinterberg 's request And "Native Audacity"...
Testing on W10 with @vsverchinsky 's latest branch build for this: audacity-win-3.5.0-alpha-20240314+cfb3b3a-x64 A few posts ago in this thread @LWinterberg requested that in the Type field we should lose the...
Testing on W10 with @vsverchinsky 's latest branch build for this: audacity-win-3.5.0-alpha-20240320+4f4b2e0-x64 @LWinterberg @dozzzzer @Tantacrul From a user and usability perspective all seems fine but with one small oddity/niggle -...
Testing shows that this is a regression on 3.3.3 and earlier
> There is a solution to this. It's hideously irritating that Audacity's designers mess around so much. This is a mature project, things should be much more stable. @Mrodent: you...
@LWinterberg @dozzzzer @crsib @vsverchinsky Testing On W10 with @dg-no-9 's branch build for this audacity-win-3.5.0-alpha-20240217+b31a7b5-x64 The default setting for Metadata tags is with this test branch properly stored, remembered and...
@LWinterberg @dozzzzer @crsib @vsverchinsky Further testing with Export Multiple shows another issue - one which may be reported/logged elsewhere. Basically if in multiple export you use the metadata button and...
Tested that this now works in the latest master for 3.5.0 Which means that the workaround _(if bug #5825 remains unfixed)_ for the Multiple Export problem is to 1. Edit...