David Dal Busco

Results 171 comments of David Dal Busco

oki doki. I'll give a try this evening. Like I said, don't expect too much, but I'll try ;)

Ok now I understand what do you mean. You want to use Gatsby `prerendering` but would like the component to be generated as it would be on the browser side...

I think I've got the same understanding as you, Stencil WC can be rendered on the server side but how to achieve this with Gatsby is not that clear to...

@BrunnerLivio found a way to make Stencil and Gatsby work together with SSR. Here's his recipe, I think it would solve this feature request as long as Primsjs can work...

In addition: https://github.com/jonearley/gatsby-plugin-stencil

For those using the cordova local notifications plugin, this should be patched in that plugin too. ``` import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs'; // Issue: https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-badge/issues/152#issuecomment-1238373550 const deprecated = 'compile "me.leolin:ShortcutBadger:${appShortcutBadgerVersion}@aar"';...

Did you inspect the shadowed dom, are the `width` and height applied? As you can see in the component here https://github.com/deckgo/deckdeckgo/blob/00d532ffc7b03795a674984d2fe8d08d57cc3e2e/webcomponents/lazy-img/src/components/lazy-img/deckdeckgo-lazy-img.tsx#L299 width and height should be set if the props...

Actually I'm saying these should work but asking if you had a look to the shadowed content to see if anything seems not to work as expected?

Got this issue as well when I use `afterNavigate` in a `+page` while using the adapter static and [chunking strategy](https://vitejs.dev/guide/build.html#chunking-strategy) of vite (`splitVendorChunkPlugin`).

Sample repo btw. https://github.com/peterpeterparker/my-app-yolo