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📕 Documentation: Dictionary.xml and DictionaryDescription.md of: pests

Open EmanuelFaria opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

The Big WHY — Dictionary: pests | Extended list/table for normalization

We are building the PESTS DICTIONARY so that:

Type of User: Verriclear Natural Skin Essentialsâ„¢ can: confidently choose essential oil ingredients that perform HIGHLY SPECIFIC desired phytomedicinal activities optimally, and possess desired chemical properties (like absorption rate, pleasing or neutral fragrance) without: introducing undesirable activities and chemical properties (eg. skin irritants, carciongenic, toxic, etc.,)

Goals: Describe the Challenge, the solution we will bring, and the Desired End State by which all will know we have achieved excellence.

A. Deliver a diverse and useful set of activities that will serve as keywords when searching the literature, as well as tags to be associated with plants, essential oils, and their constituents

Desired Results: A clear and concise description / outline of the final "state or vision" of the project — the evidence we will see when our goals are achieved.

A. Identify and cross-reference as many specific Activity Classes, Activity Action Types, and Activity Targets as possible from the relevant fields in the provided RAW data table
B. Normalize their names and synonyms/aliases
C. Add Wikidata or other relevant IDs
D. Capture Activity descriptions for each

Guiding principles: What principles will guide our decisions as we do our part to fulfill the mission?

A. Review the notes in the column headings as well as the comments related to specific records. If you have questions, ask.

Responsibilities and Roles: Who will have what completed when?

A. @mannyrules / Verriclear will provide the RAW expanded list of activities to be cross-referenced and normalized
B. @petermr will analyze the RAW data and deliberate with Emanuel and other experts on how best to organize the data
C. @ambarishK will perform the cross-referencing and normalization. (Once final version approved, please check with @gita to update EssOilDb entries that had multiple Activities assigned to single entries, as noted in the RAW table).

Tips, Tools, Shortcuts and Resources: Anything done or used to make the desired outcome more likely to occur.

A. @ambarishK: Please search for synonyms in this column too. Hopefully, you can widen the scope by changing the suffixes of the words (eg. Carcinogen, Carcinogenic, Carcinogenicity). Also, try with and without hyphens (eg. Anti-Viral and antiviral)

EmanuelFaria avatar Mar 25 '20 20:03 EmanuelFaria

As of today, I believe this dictionary and it's description document are complete. Below I will copy the contents of the description document:

EO Target Organism​​​​ Dictionary


File Data

  • Description: A dictionary of 1032 terms for two categories of insects: A) Insect vectors of human pathogens sourced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Insect_vectors_of_human_pathogens, and B) Winged insects soursed from https://www.insectidentification.org/winged-insect-key.asp

  • Filename: pests.xml

  • File Location: https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/dictionary/pests/pests.xml


Table Column Headings

  • id: serialized identifier

  • term: the precise string used to identify the concept.

  • wikidataID: Unique identifier for each normalized dictionary term, linked to Wikidata.org — a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines.

  • description: Short description of the plant part being identified in that row



  • No. of Entries (Headers are not counted): 1032

  • No. of unique entries (including alternate spellings or synonyms): 1032

  • No. of terms resolved in Wikidata: 104

  • No. of terms NOT resolved in Wikidata: 0




EmanuelFaria avatar Mar 25 '20 20:03 EmanuelFaria