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📕 Documentation: Dictionary.xml and DictionaryDescription.md of: eoExtractionMethod
"Here we describe the process of creating a [DictionaryName]DictionaryDescription.md document, within which we will describe the contents of the individual dictionary (named in the title of this Issue), which was created (or is in the process of being created) from data collected for Oil186.
I will begin this thread by pasting the contents of the INDEX description, then follwed by first draft copy below for discussion and direction."
EO Extraction and Chemical Analysis Methods
Equipment, methods and materials used for EO extraction
Description: A dictionary of 6 Methods of Essential Oil extraction and 6 Types of Chemical Analysis, mentioned in the 186 source articles for plant extracts being tested.
Filename: methodAndAnalysisExtraction20191225.tsv
File Location: https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/articleAnalysis/oil186/raw/methodAndAnalysisExtraction20191225.tsv
EOExtraction and Chemical Analysis Methods Dictionary
Description of Table and its Contents:
A dictionary of 6 Methods of Essential Oil extraction and 6 Types of Chemical Analysis, mentioned in the 186 source articles for plant extracts being tested.
File Data
Filename: methodAndAnalysisExtraction20191225.tsv
File Location: https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/articleAnalysis/oil186/raw/methodAndAnalysisExtraction20191225.tsv
Last Table Commit: Dec 31, 2019
Table Column Headings
PMCID: Identification code for the article from which the data is being extracted. PubMed Central** **is an archive of full-text journal articles. The National Library of Medicine assigns a PMCID, also known as a PMC Identifier, to each full-text paper in PubMed Central.
Method: Method of EO extraction performed to obtain the tested substance, as named in the article
method_section_1: Method of EO extraction performed to obtain the tested substance, found in first section of article
method_section_2: Method of EO extraction performed to obtain the tested substance, found in second section of article
method_WIKIPEDIA: Method of EO extraction performed to obtain the tested substance, manually normalized to Wikipedia as reference.
analysis_1: Acronyms found in the article, representing Type of chemical analysis performed
analysis_1_WIKIPEDIA: Type of chemical analysis performed, manually normalized to Wikipedia as reference
analysis_section_1: Semantic text related to Type of chemical analysis performed, found in section 1
analysis_2: Acronyms found in the article, representing Type of chemical analysis performed, found in section 2
analysis_2_WIKIPEDIA: Name of EO extraction method, manually normalized to Wikipedia as reference
No. of source papers: 186
No. of Entries (The header is not counted): 186
No. of EO Extraction Methods resolved in Wikidata: 6
No. of Types of Chemical Analysis resolved in Wikidata: 6
No. of source articles with no Method found: 74
No. of source articles with no Analysis Type found: 64
I am not clear about what each of the “Section” columns are.
@petermr Some updates:
- ExtractionMethod.xml dictionary is now finished and working.
- ExtractionMethodDictionaryDescription.md is updated
- INDEXofOIL186Dictionaries.md is also updated
- Just renamed this issue to match the now more specialized dictionary that relates to Extraction Methods only (Chemical Analysis methods will now be its own dictionary.
Here's what this dictionary now contains:
Extraction Method Dictionary
Description of Table and its Contents:
A dictionary of 73 terms for Essential Oil extraction methods.
File Data
Filename: ExtractionMethod.xm
File Location:
Table Column Headings
DAVEid: DAVE.activity.n where n is a serialized number
term: The name is a human readable string describing the concept.
Acronym: The acronym for the term, if any.
Apparatus: Apparatus used to conduct the extraction method described by the term.
wikidataid: Unique identifier linked to Wikidata.org — a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines.
description: short description of the activity sourced from wikidata and/or wikipedia
No. of Entries (The header is not counted): 73
No. of terms describing EO Extraction Methods resolved in Wikidata: 71
No. of unique Wikidata IDs (including synonyms): 37
No. of entries with no Wikidata IDs: 2
No. of source articles with no Analysis Type found: 64
As of today, I believe this dictionary and it's description document are complete. Below I will copy the contents of the description document:
EO Extraction Method Dictionary
File Data
Description: A dictionary of 87 terms for Essential Oil extraction methods and apparatus.
Filename: eoExtractionMethod.xml
File Location: https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/dictionary/eoExtractionMethod/eoExtractionMethod.xml
Table Column Headings
id: serialized identifier
term: The name is a human readable string describing the concept.
Acronym: The acronym for the term, if any.
Apparatus: Apparatus used to conduct the extraction method described by the term.
wikidataID: Unique identifier linked to Wikidata.org — a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines.
description: short description of the activity sourced from wikidata and/or wikipedia
No. of Entries (The header is not counted): 87
No. of terms describing EO Extraction Methods resolved in Wikidata: 71
No. of unique Wikidata IDs (including synonyms): 37