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📕 Documentation: Dictionary.xml and DictionaryDescription.md of: humanDiseases
Here we describe the process of creating a [DictionaryName]DictionaryDescription.md document, within which we will describe the contents of the individual dictionary (named in the title of this Issue), which was created (or is in the process of being created) from data collected for Oil186
As of today, this dictionary has not been started.
As of today, I believe this dictionary and it's description document are complete. Below I will copy the contents of the description document:
Human Diseases​​​ Dictionary
File Data
Description: A dictionary of 3412 terms related to human diseases.
Filename: disease.xml
File Location: https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/dictionary/disease/disease.xml
Table Column Headings
term: The term is the precise string used to identify the concept. Name and Term are often the same.
name: The name is a human readable string describing the concept.
No. of entries (Headers are not counted): 3412
No. of unique names (including alternate spellings or synonyms): 3412