CEVOpen copied to clipboard
Contentmining of Open phytochemical literature for medicinal activities
I've uploaded two PDF files containing 50 table samples each to the directory named "table_extraction". (I had previously uploaded them to openVirus in error)
- Create simple documentation and tutorials with examples to access the tools for new interns. - Make dictionaries for: 1. Plants 2. Species 3. Terpene synthases 4. Chemicals - Create...
Hi, I have a excel table that I want to convert it to ami readable xml. Please, can I get your suggestions or any help/links for this. Thank you.
- This dictionary contains the `description`, `name`, `term`, `wikidata URL`, `wikidata ID`, `Wikipedia page URL`, and `synonyms` for some entries: [https://github.com/petermr/CEVOpen/blob/master/dictionary/eoPlant/plant.xml](url) - I have created a SPARQL query to add...
``` C:\Users\vasan\openDiagram\physchem\python>python ami_gui.py C:\Users\vasan\openDiagram\physchem\python\section_templates.json dict_keys(['abstract', 'acknowledge', 'affiliation', 'author', 'conclusion', 'discussion', 'ethics', 'fig_caption', 'front', 'introduction', 'jrnl_title', 'keyword', 'method', 'octree', 'pdfimage', 'pub_date', 'publisher', 'reference', 'results_discuss', 'search_results', 'sections', 'svg', 'table', 'title']) SECTION LIST...
We want to be able to get AltLabels from Wikidata without the default delimiter 'comma'. The default delimiter is a problem, especially with `plantCompound` dictionary because the IUPAC names often...
``` C:\Users\vasan\openDiagram\physchem\python>python search_lib.py running search main DEMO usage: search_lib.py [-h] [--dict [DICT ...]] [--sect [SECT ...]] [--proj [PROJ ...]] [--patt PATT [PATT ...]] Search sections with dictionaries and patterns optional...
the output i got after running ami search ``` C:\Users\talha>cd C:\Users\talha\CEVOpen\dictionary\eoCompound C:\Users\talha\CEVOpen\dictionary\eoCompound>ami -p (plantcompoundpapers) search --dictionary country disease Generic values (AMISearchTool) ================================ Specific values (AMISearchTool) ================================ created COMMAND: word(frequencies)xpath:@count>20~w.stopwords:pmcstop.txt_stopwords.txt search(country)...