cordova-plugin-ibeacon copied to clipboard
iOS 10 always reports bluetooth not enabled
I am testing this plugin on iOS 10, however isBluetoothEnabled always returns false, does anyone have an idea?
It works perfectly on my iOS 8.1 device
IOS auto connect with devise... i was tried auto connect with ios
Apple does not let you find out if the user has bluetooth enabled. This is likely a privacy issue. (IMO its nuts.) If you start ranging you get the "General protection fault" type error: "The operation clouldn't be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 16.)" BUT: iOS displays an alert "Turning on Bluetooth will improve location accuracy." [Settings, OK] (probably only once and not in airplane mode)
For me isBluetoothEnabled() works when I call requestAlwaysAuthorization() and if I have background location authorization set up.
Otherwise, if I call requestWhenInUseAuthorization(), it always return false...
I finally used this plugin to know if bluetooth is enabled or not (works with iOS 10) :